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Thanks @Jimbo.Automates.  I just ordered a kit version from thesmartesthouse.com that had the valve actuator and 2 zse42 water sensors that was cheaper than just the actuator on Amazon.  Amazon is great but not always the low price.

i have not installed any Z-wave devices yet. Are there some installation tutorials somewhere?  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to return this actuator as my plumbing was not as 'clean' as their instruction video.  They suggested adding an extension kit which I did not want to do.  I'm going to look for just some water sensors I can add to my Eisy/Zmatter environment and trust in alerts and being able to get to the valve somewhat quickly. 

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You might take a look at some of the Yolink robot valve offerings.  They get into tighter spaces than the Titan but still  are gear driven for the torque you need. Have been using it for a number of years with real life tests. The yolink leak sensors can be direct linked so even with no mains power / WiFi will respond to a leak event. 

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