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Buggy outdoor I/O controller

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I  recently purchased a home in which the previous owner installed a smart home network managed with a 994i hub. I have an eisy that I plan to install but before I do, I need to troubleshoot an issue with an Insteon EZ108SA V2 #3011A I/O Controller that is installed in an outdoor box that houses the switches for the pool pump, pool light (underwater), front landscape lighting and back landscape lighting (around the pool). 

Currently, I have to reboot the circuit each morning in order for the pool pump and back lighting to turn on/off per the program in the 994i while the front lighting remains on 24/7 (should turn off each am). I have noted that the system alerts a "communication error" with the EZ108SA (I have rebooted the device multiple times). I would prefer upgrading to another device since I perceive that the Insteon is fried due to prolonged exposure to high summer heat. 

Can anyone advise me on how to resolve this? I want to ensure that the circuit is working well before I upgrade to the eisy. 

Insteon controller.jpg

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The device in not made by insteon. It's a Smartenit relay. Smartenit appears to have gone out of business. The manual is attached. Ir appears that the ISY is unable to communicate with the Smartenit modem. Perhaps someone on the forum may have more suggestions for you.

I'm not aware of any device currently available that's comparable to the Smartenit.



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@DHouse02, welcome to the forum...

Your EZIO8SA includes both the PLM (J2 connection) and a power supply (J3 connection).  Both would be suspect due to the high temp exposure you describe.  

Rather than powering down the entire panel to reset things, you could try powering down the individual devices to see which is going "offline".

Personally, I would start with the PLM.  If you can provide the markings on the PLM (date code, firmware revision, model) we should be able to tell you how old it is. 

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Many thanks to both for your informative responses. Actually, the company behind the product appears to be Compacta International, Ltd. based in San Juan Capistrano, CA. I left a message with tech support re the issue. Hopefully they can assist. 

8 Output / 7 Input Insteon/X10 Controller (product description under "Quick Start Guide"). Kinda confusing who actually sells and supports the product. 

Good advice re the PLM. I will follow up on this.

I actually replaced the power supply a few days ago as the first troubleshooting step. No issues found. 

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Spoke with a rep at Compacta and she stated that they stopped selling the EZ108SA several years ago as part of a pivot away from residential home automation. She also said that the problem is probably the PLM since its shelf life is not that long especially with the additional stress of high temperatures. 

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I would also suspect the PLM. If it is a 2412S. It would also  be supplying unregulated filtered +12VDC to the EZIO8SA.  On the serial cable from the PLM to the EZIO8SA. It is usually around +18VDC. I see you also have a power supply. If the supply is 12VDC the 2412S is running it. As there is a network in the unit to use the higher DCV.

Now if it is a 2413S the external supply is needed and 2413S PLM units have a poor reputation especially the early versions.

If you post the PLM data someone can give you more information. As it could be one of theirs also.

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If you end up needing to replace this setup, I did find what might be a viable option.   What's needed is a way to communicate (I'm guessing wirelessly) between the eisy and a relay board.  

With a quick search, I found this article, https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-relay-module-ac-web-server/ on using a relay board with a ESP8266.  This provides a set of relays you can control over Wi-FI.  It's not a plug-in-play solution as it looks like there's some programming of the ESP8266 required and you'd need a plug-in written for the eisy to control it.

We already have eisy plug-in's to control various USB based relay boards so creating one to control a wi-fi relay board should be pretty simple.

Another, option might be the controller/IO devices that work with the BASPI6U6R plug-in available in the eisy plug-in store. I don't know anything about these but suspect that they'd be a lot more expensive than the simple wi-fi relay board. 

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Spoke with a rep at Compacta and she stated that they stopped selling the EZ108SA several years ago as part of a pivot away from residential home automation. She also said that the problem is probably the PLM since its shelf life is not that long especially with the additional stress of high temperatures. 

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