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Plugin will not connect


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I have been using the professional version of the plugin for several months.  At times it will show "playing" in UD Mobile and not work.  I reboot the EISY and it works again.

I downloaded the newest version and now it will not connect.  I have rebooted the EISY.  I have deleted the plugin and reinstalled.  I reinstalled in a new slot.  It just always shows "not connected" in the PG3 dashboard.  No matter what I do it will not connect.

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Usually rebooting the EISY should resolve the connection issue. 

What is your audioplayer output connected to?

Download the audioplayer debug log and post it in the forum

What are your eisy firmware and UI versions?


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The log show that the Audio Player is trying to load a missing module, "pyaudio".  

From the PG3 window, delete the audio player, reboot you eisy, then reinstall the audio player

Let me know if that resolves the problem.

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