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Admin Console eisy not controlling KASA devices


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Starting on Sunday, my eisy programs stopped controlling my KASA devices. Working through the admin console, the devices are not accurately showing their current status on all devices and none of them are responding to commands from the console although the KASA controller shows that it is connected and which devices are connected.

I have seen a condition in which the KASA controller becomes disconnected (not certain as to why but we have lost power on occasion), but everything would be restore after going to Polyglot, shutting down the KASA plugin, and starting it again.

I don't see any sign of errors or warnings in the log files.  When I send a command to a KASA device near my desk from the console the 'DON' and 'DOF' followed by "node address ********3e34 does not exist." and I have noticed that the plugin clock is still running on DST while the admin console time is correct.

After looking for other topics similar to this issue, I have tried unplugging and re-plugging the devices, restarting the plugin, and rebooting the eisy.  All of the packages are up-to-date.

I haven't made any changes in months to my programs, devices or network.  Any ideas as to what may be going on?




Interestingly, the system is now working as it should with the only noted change being that the log now shows the correct time.  It is no longer in DST.

Thank you.


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