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2441TH thermostat questions

Go to solution Solved by Guy Lavoie,

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Posted (edited)

Just picked up a 2441TH thermostat to play around with.  Yeah, i know, it has issues but I have one in my garage controlling and it has been rock solid for years. 

Trying to understand the various modes.  Looks like there is Heat, Cool, Auto, Program Auto, Program Heat, Program Cool, Off.  Mostly, what is the difference between Auto, Program Auto, Program Heat and Program Cool?  Also, the Hold doesn't seem to work.  I push it, but the Hold indicator never comes on.  Maybe it just works in certain modes?

It seems to so far be ignoring my local programed heat-cool events, but maybe I'm not even in the correct mode.  I put it in auto and the set time passes with no changes to the temperature events.

Edited by BCreekDave
  • Solution

Auto usually means that it will automatically switch between heating and cooling modes as needed (you set the heating and cooling setpoints and it heats and cools as needed to maintain the temperature within that range). Program usually means it follows the programmed time schedule, while hold tells it to override the program and just use the current setpoints continuously.

If you're just playing around with it, how are you triggering heat and cool events? Normally if you set the heat setpoint to a temperature above the current indicated temperature, you should see it go into heat mode. Same with setting the cool setpoint below the current temperature to trigger cooling mode. 


I haven't tried at this point to program from the ISY yet.  Just using the internal Wake->Leave->Return->Sleep events.  It seems to be ignoring them.  Almost like the Hold is active, but it isn't indicating that on the display.  If I set the heat above ambient, it is heating to that setting (and showing Heating on the display) like it should and then holds that temp.


It's at home and I am at work AtM, but pretty sure the mode is Auto and the fan is Auto.  The Mobilinc app has mode options for Auto, Program Auto, Program Heat, Program Cool, Heat and Cool and Off.   I don't think the ISY has this many options.  I'll have to check and confirm tonight.


I believe you also had post on the Insteon forum.

I posted a link to the manual there. Though you may already have it since you are using on already.

10 minutes ago, Brian H said:

I believe you also had post on the Insteon forum.

I posted a link to the manual there. Though you may already have it since you are using on already.

Yeah, i posted there also, but there isn't much activity there anymore.  The manual doesn't say much about the different modes and what they do.  


I did find this:

that helps explain a little.


Some decent ISY programming tips here:




I have been searching, there just ins't much out there.

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