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Upgrade from beta to production not as described

Go to solution Solved by dbwarner5,

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Instructions: 3) On the install page, verify your beta version and slot number is listed. Then select install.

This does not show up.. 

I have two installs, slot 18 and slot 19...

this is what I get when I click on install. 



Hi @dbwarner5, Are you running WebControl8 or WEbControl832 from the beta store.

I just installed 1.0.4 from beta (webcontrol832) then went to production, the slot with the beta was available to install from production.

If you verify and you still don't have the option, try installing the beta upgrade then go to production and see if its an option.

Right now beta and production are at the same level 1.0.4

  • Solution

To verify, the problem is simply that I am running 8 vs 832 so it wont see it, even in the beta store. I will have to delete 8 and just start over with 832.

No worries..:) .

Thanks for a great plugin!


Deleted the WEbcontorl 8 beta, 

Installed 2 instances of Webcontol 832.

First one worked as expected.

The second one would not take the Json Names, but did recognize the nodes.

Had to delete it and reinstall... all working now as expected. 

Just a FYI.. cheers.


My apologies. 832 was my third plugin, 8 was the second. Since 832 operates completely different than 8 I didn't want to publish over 8 and force anyone that was happy with 8 to redo their whole setup.

I am glad you got both instances up and running.


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