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Is there a "weatherflow is offline or online" field?

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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My weather flow unit is having a power / battery issue. It comes and goes offline. I cant fix it until spring as there is 2-3 feet of snow on my roof! .

I would like to be able to know if hte data I see from the ISY is fresh or old. 

Weatherflow is able to send me emails when it drops and when it reconnects. But I do not see any fields for this in the plugin. 

Just to be clear, this is NOT a plug in issue.. it shows connected at all times, but its providing old data bacuse the weatherlfow unit isnt communicating with the hub.




If you have the Tempest then there's a node showing the Hub status. That may work for you

I monitor my Tempest using remote rather than the local option



Posted (edited)

The above doesn't tell me if my station is actually online.. all it says is the Plugin connection to the hub. 

It's the hub connection to the Weather station that keeps dropping that I am looking to monitor. 


I get emails like this: 

Your WeatherFlow Tempest device named ST-00049763 at station Elk lake stopped sending data. Check that it has power and/or try moving your Tempest closer to your WeatherFlow Hub.

The plug in will still report connected.

Am not sure what the Hub Seconds is actually referring to. But I may be able to use that as currently. mine is reading 165469.


Edited by dbwarner5
  • Solution

The hub seconds since seen is how many seconds it's been since the hub sent data to the plug-in.

165469 translates to about 45 hours since the plug-in has seen any data from the hub.

When things are operating normally, the hub should be sending out data packets about once a minute so that number should never be above 120 unless something is wrong.

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