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Odd solution to button sync problem


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I have been plagued by KeypadLinc buttons not remaining in sync with devices they are linked to through scenes. I have tried replacing devices with no luck.


Recently I added both the device and the button as Controllers for a scene with no responders. This seems to have fixed the problem in more than one location.


Any idea why I am having the problem and why it would be resolved this way?

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No new scene. The old ones weren't working when I had the button as a controller and the device as a responder. I removed both from the scene and re-added them both as controllers and now they are in sync.


I don't remember having to do this in the past.

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Multiple controllers must be defined as controllers of the scene. Defining one as a Controller and the other as a Responder insures the devices will get out of sync. The ISY will automatically generate all the cross-links necessary to keep the devices in sync when the controllers are defined as controllers. No need to add them as responders. ISY does this automatically.

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