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I/O Linc, Scenes and Remote Linc


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I am using I/O linc (v1.3 1010) to control the display of my computer monitor. I have set up a scene controled by my remote linc button #3 (RL3) to control the i/o linc. It works fine - when i turn the button on the monitor display comes on and visa versa.


However: I have a problem when I add the I/O Linc to another Scene (in this case controlled by Button #4 (RL4)) where there are already other responders. For this scene i need to turn off the monitor ( controled by the I/O linc ) while turning on some lights ( controled by appliance Linc ) and turning off others (controled by toggle linc ) I have programed the scene to the proper settings ( on or off ) for each device and everything works properly except that the I/O Linc always turns on when I activate the scene - BUT i have the I/O linc set to off in the scene! I have tried this several different ways and with two different I/O Lincs but i get the same results. I cant make an I/O linc turn off when i turn on a scene.


It Does however - respond properly to "All Off" and "All On"

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Display the link records in the I/O Linc (this is an I/O Linc and not an in-line Linc). You are looking for a record that starts with an A2 in byte 1, has an 04 in byte 2 (for button 4 on RL), has the Insteon address of the RemoteLinc in bytes 3,4,5, and has either a FF or 00 in byte 6. If there is a 00 then the link record is correct and the I/O Linc does not support being turned Off by an On command. If there is something other than a 00 in byte 6 the link record does not have the correct value.


EIDT: example of responder link record


0FB8 : A2 04 12.9F.E4 FF 1F 00


A2 : responder link record

04 : Group/Button number of Controller button

12.9F.E4 : Insteon address of Controller

FF : bright level responder should go to; FF full bright; 00 Off

1F : ramp rate

00 : output unit number


The FF or 00 In byte 6 is the key to what the responder is told to do.

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Thanks for your responce - However, when i go to tools -Diagnostics - Display Links - the I/O linc it only listed as "Sensor" not relay but i ran the list for it anyway and got the following (Amoung Other things)...


OFCO:A2 04 13EBFF !F 00


so what does that tell us?


Thanks Again

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Thanks for your responce - However, when i go to tools -Diagnostics - Display Links - the I/O linc it only listed as "Sensor" not relay but i ran the list for it anyway and got the following (Amoung Other things)...


OFCO:A2 04 13EBFF !F 00


so what does that tell us?


Thanks Again

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Thanks. The following is the only Group 4 (button 4) link in the display. You should verify that 13.EB.FF is the Remotelinc Insteon address to insure we are looking at the right entry.


A2 04 13.EB.FF FF 1F 00


The red FF is byte 6, FULL bright level (On), the responder will go to when the On command is received from the RemoteLinc. This value must be 00 for the I/O Linc to turn Off in response to the On command from the RemoteLinc. Recheck the Scene responder settings. This indicates the I/O Linc is set to 100% On rather than Off.


Also the display is of the ISY Link Table, not the Device Link table. They should be the same and since this entry shows Ff rather than the required 00 it is safe to assume for now that the device contains the same link record. However, in the future display the Device Link records.

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Actually the link record you displayed may be the responder link record for the ISY itself, not a representation of the link record in the I/O Linc. If the Scene display shows the I/O Linc at 0% then use Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table to display the link record in the I/O Linc. With two I/O Lincs behaving the same way I am inclined to believe the I/O Linc does not have the function to turn Off in response to an On command. The link record in the I/O Linc itself is the definitive piece of information.


If the byte 6 is 00 then the I/O Linc does not have the function to turn Off in response to an On command.



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The responder link record for the ISY Scene has byte 6 set to 00 which would turn the device Off with a Scene On command (assuming the I/O Linc supports it).


0FD8 : A2 13 0F.9F.2E 00 1F 00


The responder link record for the RemoteLinc button 4 has byte 6 set to FF which is Full On.


0FC0 : A2 04 12.EB.FF FF 1F 00



How did you establish the Scene with RemoteLinc button 4 as the Controller and the I/O Linc as the Responder. It appears the settings for the RemoteLinc Controller are set to 100% for the I/O Linc Responder.

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I used the "New Scene" button to creat my Scenes and I'm pretty sure that i right clicked on the "Button" (EX4 RL#) or device in the device tree and chose "add to a scene" - i might have done drag and drop but i dont remember for sure. is there a specific way this should be done?


Thanks again for you great assistance!


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You did fine so far. A Scene can have multiple Controllers with each Controller being able to establish different responder settings. Left click on the Scene name and that will show each responder with their respective settings. Based on the link records I think you will find the I/O Linc set to 0%.


Left click on the RemoteLinc button 4 Controller entry under the Scene name. It should be in red. You should see each responder with potentially different settings then were presented when you clicked on the Scene name. The ISY allows you to define different responder settings for each Controller.


Clicking on the Scene name shows the responder settings for when the Scene is controlled from the Admin Console or with a Program. Clicking on the RemoteLinc button 4 Controller entry shows the Responder settings for when the RemoteLinc button is the Controller.

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that was it!!!! I did not realize that each controller ( RL button in this case ) could/needed to be setup.. That totally fixed one of them BUT...


Now one of my i/o lincs turns off when i hit "all lights on" and on when i hit "all lights off"


I must have something hosed up?

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The I/O Linc relay can be opened or closed with an On command. The Off command will have the opposite effect. I don't have an I/O Linc so I don't know if this is an option that can be set through the ISY. When doing the links with the Set button the I/O Linc relay is set to the state you want it to respond to an On command, then the link is done. I suspect the relay was in the opposite state you want it to be in when the link was established. The I/O Linc user guide (which can be accessed online from the I/O Linc sales page) describes the process of establishing the relay state first. Look under the topic "Linking an INSTEON Controller to Control the I/O Linc Output Relay".

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