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Device Query


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Is it possible to query under program control? Testing 'status' in a program doesn't automatically query the device first does it?


As I understand it, ISY does not know the status of devices that were controlled by d2d links, correct? So if I turn on a lamp from a CL, ISY won't know it unless it querys the LL.

I'd like to query the LL in the program so then I can get a 100% accurate status before I test for it.



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The ISY is supposed to be informed of any change in any device that it knows of.


There is a Query under the Action command list though.




Thanks Rand, that's exactly what I was looking for. I thought I had seen Query in the programming drop-downs somewhere, but couldn't remember where, then I looked in the wrong dropdown!

As a test I turned on a lamp from a CL, ISY showed OFF, then triggered a Query in a program with an X10 button press and the status did indeed change.



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If the links between the CL and the LL were created with the ISY the status in the ISY would update automatically because the PLM/ISY would be included in the scene.



If you do use the Query I imagine you will need to use a Wait for a second or two after a Query before you use the Status as a Condition. It should be 0.5 seconds per Device (you can Query Scenes).

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