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KPL + RL + scenes - how to keep KPL in sync


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Sorry, another newbee question about KeypadLinc and RemoteLinc and how to keep the keypad backlights in sync.


I have 3 scenes (Bright, Med, Dim), all with the same 3 lights - SL,LL,and KPL-A.


Med has KPL-B and RL-A as controllers

Dim has KPL-G and RL-C as controllers

Bright has KPL-H as controller


Set-up KPL-B, KPL-G and KPL-H as mutually exclusive buttons


KPL would not track when scenes were triggered with RL


I added 3 "tracking scenes", with KPL-B, KPL-G, and KPL-H and setup 2 programs:


When RL-A switch On, set Scene KPL-G & Scene KPL-H off

When RL-C switch On, set Scene KPL-B & Scene KPL-H off


This works ok when switching scenes from RL, but when RL-A or RL-C switched off, KPL backlight "hangs"...


Tried writing programs:

When RL-A switch Off, set Scene KPL-B & Scene KPL-G & Scene KPL-H off

When RL-C switch Off, set Scene KPL-B & Scene KPL-G & Scene KPL-H off


ISY gave me red circle on program, don't know why....


This seems like a pretty common application, but I searched and can't find the solution....

Appreciate the help...


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Unfortunately, my understanding is that one cannot control KPL buttons (other than the primary) via other insteon device, by putting it into a scene with the other insteon device as controller. The solution is as you have done: create a single-device scene (including only the KPL button) and controlling it via program.


Hopefully, enabling the program will solve any remaining problems you have.

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KPL would not track when scenes were triggered with RL


I originally responded by stating my understanding that KPL buttons could not be reponders to other insteon devices. I forget from where I recall that, but I know that in some cases I have had to create a special scene, just to control the KPL button.


After thinking further, however, I know that this is not always the case. I DO have KPL buttons as responders in a scene, and this works well. Perhaps this was an issue only with older versions of the KPL? I don't recall. Perhaps I am thinking where one may not control a KPL button from another KPL button.


Having said that, I am now wondering again why your initial scenes don't work. While your programs may be currently working, I would prefer using scenes, if possible.


If you are interested in a couple of theories:


a. is it possible that some of your scenes had the KPL on level set to zero when activated by the RL button?

b. is it possible that creating the mutually exclusive relationship between KPL buttons may cause a conflict with the scene controllers? For example what happens if KPL C and A are both on? Is it possible the scenes requiring both KPL buttons to be on cause a conflict with the mutually exclusive relationship?


My money is on theory A.

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Hi oberkc,


KPL buttons cannot be turned Off when a scene is turned On.


MutEx buttons are exclusive to the KPL so remotely turning one On will not turn the others Off. Thus the need for programs.


There is no issue with multiple MutEx buttons being on except the display is incorrect and a button that is already On will turn the scene Off when it is pressed, which is not the desired behavior in this case.


Glad to read it's now working for you cmerlino.



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