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Bad KPL or ISY Programming Problems?


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I've been working my first big install with Insteon and my first install with my ISY. I have a problem with an 8-button KPL in the master bath. With the various lights and fans in the master bath their are eight switches. I replaced seven of the switches with Switchlincs (dimmer and relays depending on what they control) and one with an 8-button KPL. Everything was fine until the wife used the water closet at night and complained that the LED's from the two switches in the water closet were right in her eyes and too bright. The switchlincs were old ones from a small installation I had done in our previous house, so the LED's could not be dimmed. I replaced the switchlincs with two newer ones that I had that had dimmable LED's. After I replaced the switchlincs (both relays) and threw the breaker, the KPL emitted a constant tone. I airgapped it and it stopped making the tone. Ever since it has not worked right. I'd get spurious results with button pushes (nothing happening, lights coming on that weren't supposed, etc.) Today, I went in and physically unlinked all switches from the KPL buttons and vice versa. I deleted all scenes with the KPL buttons. I verified that the KPL buttons had no links to them. I did a factory reset on every switchlinc and the KPL. I deleted the KPL from "My Lighting" and then re-added it. When I write scenes for the KPL buttons (button 'X' controls switchlinc 'Y' and vice versa), the KPL buttons do not work. If I manually link the buttons and Switchlinc (tap, tap) they work as they should but the administrative console does not accurately represent the KPL button status.


1. Is there anything that I am doing wrong?

2. Is there anything else that I can do?

3. Does anyone out there have any experience with a KPL emitting a solid tone?


I'm going to post the last question over on the Smarthome Forum.




Art Lazarow

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I am currently in find the signal sucker/killer mode with my install. I switched out the KPL for another one and the failure mode is identical - One button on the KPL runs its scene, the other do not (The load button works). Currently I have the ISY and the PLM plugged into the same extension cord. I did this when I killed power to the electronics room where the DSL Modem, the wireless router and the PLM are located. Is there any probl;em with having the PLM and the ISY plugged into the same extension cord? Thanks.

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There is joy in Mudville today. Yesterday , I noticed that the LED was completely out in the SWL Relay controlling the Water Closet exhaust fan. I tried to turn the exhaust fan on and nothing happened. I pulled the SWL out and replaced it with another one that I had. The exhaust fan now worked. I deleted the scene that it was in and had the ISY relink with the new SWL relay. I then recreated the KPL button scene. That scene worked so now I had three functioning KPL buttons. I deleted and recreated another KPL button scene and no joy!. I then deleted the SWL's from the ISY and had the ISY relink with all of them. All the KPL button scenes are now functioning. Thanks all for your help.


Art Lazarow

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Good to read but I am still holding my breath.




You're a killjoy and dad gummit you're absolutely right :? ! I'm still having problems and to make matters worse they are much more intermittent. Also, they are in the Master Bath so WAF is seriously impacted. I haven't been able to disconnect the wife's computer during an episode of affected communications, yet. I've checked most of the other possible offenders. I'll keep you all posted.




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She's not got the laptop anywhere near the bathroom. I did take it off-line yesterday and did not get any bad comms but I had good comms with it on-line. I deleted the last scene and device in the master bath and re-added. So far, I haven't had any problems. I'll keep an eye on it and have told the wife that any time she has problems with the lights to come and get me. I added 5 devices yesterday and some more scenes and they have been solid. I keep hoping that I have the problem solved.




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