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Setting Folder Programs to Run


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I’m very new to this so please bear with me. I have created two program folders, one named “Away†and one named “Homeâ€. In each of these folders I have created additional folders called “Weekdays†and “Weekend†and set conditions per your notes below. In these folders I have created programs that control my thermostat.


I am trying to set conditions for the “Away†and “Home†folders such that I can essentially just turn one folder on and it’s programs will run while the other folder and it’s programs are off – not running.


I have set conditions for the “Away†folder to be:

If Status ‘Foyer Light’ is 10%

Then Allow the programs to run


I have set conditions for the “Home†folder to be:

If Status ‘Foyer Light’ is Off

Then Allow the programs to run


I have also set all programs in these folders to not be Enabled. Does that mean they will not run when the folder conditions are met?


The above folder conditions are something of a work around as I would rather have the folders controlled by something that does not need to be on or off.


Thanks, in advance for any help.


Bruce Woodward

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My understanding is that programs that are disabled will not run, except when called by another program. If I understand your setup correctly, yours will not run on their own.


Another thing that strikes me as a little unusual are your two folder conditions for home and away. One is true when off. The other is true when 10%. This leaves a broad range of potential conditions (on, greater than 10%, 1-9%) where neither is true. Is this as you want?

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Thanks for the comments. I changed all programs in the folders to be enabled and I have changed my home folder conditions such that the programs in the folder run if the 'Foyer Light' is 10%. This covers all the bases. I was out of town this past weekend and everything ran super smooth.


I'll eventually change the condition for the folders to a different Insteon switch that is much less likely to be touched when I'm not home. I'll be buying more switches in the near future as I am becoming addicted to this whole Home Automation thing.


I am hoping to get a number of second homeowners in my area hooked up with an ISY controller and Venstar thermostats. Many of them use a homeowners service to go over to their house to turn the thermostat up when they will be coming up to go skiing. Sometimes the homeowner service person is not available and a lot of phone calls need to be made. The setup I have would be perfect and I doubt the service person would really care. Their money is in snow shoveling and maintenance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have version 2.8.4


When I create an if statement for either:


Status is on

Control is switched on


or really anything other than time then the folder is never enabled.


When I put the same statement in a program everything works fine.


I have tried it several ways but what started it out was I wanted to turn my outside lights off when it was light out. Originally I had set the folder to run when it was between sunrise and sunset and everything worked fine. But when it is dark during a storm during the day I cannot turn on my outside lights. So I set up the folder to run if Sensor Dusk is On. The folder was never set to run. I then tried other conditions and never of them worked.


What I am doing wrong ?

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