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First program "If" condition AND or OR significanc


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Is there any difference in a program when multiple conditions are used in the "if" statement with regards to the 1st statement being and "and" or "or"?


The first condition never dispalys the "and" or "or" fot the first condition, however, when I select the first condition, i can see "and" or "or"?


       Status  'Alarm / Alarm Armed (AWAY)' is On
    Or Control 'Alarm / Alarm Armed (AWAY)' is switched On
    Or Control 'Mudroom / Mudroom KPL-Mudroom Light / Mudroom KPL-Away Button' is switched Fast Off
    Or Status  'Mudroom / Mudroom KPL-Mudroom Light / Mudroom KPL-Away Button' is On

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set Scene 'Mudroom / Mudroom Light Scene' On
       Wait  5 seconds
       Set Scene 'Kitchen / Kitchen Island Scene' On
       Set Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Soffit Scene' On
       Set 'Office / Office Light Switch' On
       Wait  15 seconds
       Set Scene 'Mudroom / Mudroom Light Scene' Off
       Wait  1 hour and 30 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Living Room / Living Room Soffit Scene' Off
       Set Scene 'Upstairs Hall / Stairs Lights Scene' On
       Set Scene 'Foyer / Foyer Light Scene' On
       Wait  2 hours 
       Set Scene 'Foyer / Foyer Light Scene' Off
       Wait  2 hours and 30 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Kitchen / Kitchen Island Scene' Off
       Set Scene 'Upstairs Hall / Stairs Lights Scene' Off
       Set 'Office / Office Light Switch' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


So in the example above, the first "If" condition:



Status 'Alarm / Alarm Armed (AWAY)' is On


is not designated as "and" or "or". But by clicking on the first condition, it shows "and".


Is there any significance in this? Should I verify that all 1st conditions are properly configured or is it not relevant as long it is the 1st condition?



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I thought so as well...but...I had a program that was not working properly and the only change I made was with the first condition from AND to OR. Resaved it and all began to function properly. Maybe a coincidence or maybe re-saving recreated the program.


Thanks for the feedback!

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