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Delay turning off the light


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I would like to delay turning off the light 10 seconds. Is there a way to write a program that trigger the swith before actually turning the light off?


This is what I do now but it is annoying to have the light go off and then on again before the delay.



Control "bathroom" is switched off


set "bathroom" on

wait 10 seconds

set "bathroom" off


any help is appreciated.

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Hello CLU,


Welcome to the forum.


If you are using a dimmer, you could set the ramp rate to allow you to exit the area (1 minute or so). This would not require program intervention.


If you want full brightness for 10 seconds your could use the maximum dim interval (9 minutes on some devices). You would then use a "fast off" command in your program.



Control "bathroom" is switched off


wait 10 seconds

set "bathroom" fast off


I don't have a good solution if you are using a relay - there isn't a way to override the local switch function.


You could install a Keypadlinc near the switch and use a secondary button (and program) to turn off the relay.

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I do something similar in that if you turn off my bedroom switch 2 times within 3 seconds, ISY is then programed to turn off every light in the house.

I rewrote it to maybe be usefull to you (or tweak for your application)


Basically I use the empty 'BathroomFlag' program as a flag. Prog one sets the flag to true then back to false after 3 second. Prog 2 then checks the flag and if true (for the 3 sec) executes the Then portion.


In you case, the bathroom light is already On so I figured that 2 On signals would trigger the programs without a lighting 'flash'. You could change the sequence to off/off on/off off/on to suit your taste.



Program content for 'BathroomOnDetect1'


Control 'Bathroom' is switched on


Run Program 'BathroomFlag' (Then Path)

Wait 3 Seconds

Run Program 'BathroomFlag" (Else Path)




Program content for 'BathroomOnDetect2'


Control 'Bathroom' is switched On

And Program 'BathroomFlag' is True


Wait 10

Set 'Bathroom' Off




Program content for 'Bathroom Flag'






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This is what I do now but it is annoying to have the light go off and then on again before the delay.



Control "bathroom" is switched off


set "bathroom" on

wait 10 seconds

set "bathroom" off


I am actually surprised that this even works at all, since the action (then path) affects the conditions.


I am with IndyMike. I don't think there is a way to avoid the local control function. Perhaps a trick like CLU suggests would work. Maybe you could write a program:


control bedroom light is set fast on
wait 10 seconds
set bedroom light off

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