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Outlet Controlled by a switch.


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Ok I want to be able to toggle an outlet on/off with a switch by pressing the on command. Everytime I push on I want it turn the outlet on or off respectivly. Any suggestions. I am trying this, but not working

if switch is switched on
and outlet is off

then turn on outlet

else turn off outlet


I know that the first line is not right, but I don't know what to use to accomplish my goal.[/code]

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In general it is best to create a new scene, add the outlet as a responder, and finally add the switch as a controller. This is the primary purpose of Insteon scenes and doesn't require any interaction with the ISY to work. Setting up scenes with the ISY is easy.


Make sure you have linked both the switch and the outlet to the ISY (add new device). Next add new scene. In this scene you can drag both the switch and the outlet to the scene. A dialog will pop up asking you to decide with are controllers and which are responders. Now set the switch to controller and the outlet to responder. The ISY will go off do it's thing. Once complete try turning the switch on and off. You should see the outlet going on and off at the same time.


If you HAVE to use programs on the ISY you could do the following

if status switch is on
then control outlet on
else control outlet off

This is one of the rare occasions where an else is useful. However since you are duplicating the functionality of a scene with a program is really isn't all that useful.

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I agree with lawr100 on the solution to your problem. Use a scene.


Still, I wanted to offer a suggestion on a possibility why your program was not working...


Your conditions required two things to be true in order for the "then" to execute. These conditions were:


1. switch turned on

2. outlet being off


When these conditions were met, the "then" executes, which turns the outlet on, which now makes your conditions false, which forces execution of the "else" statement, which turns your outlet off.


My suspicion is that if you eliminated the second condition, your program may work. But then, your program would look a lot like that suggested by lawr1000.

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No, polexian wanted to have the control in non-toggle ON mode, and for the program to toggle the load each time he pressed it.


To do that, use two programs and the Control trigger and the Status condition:


Program KeypadLinc On Pressed

       Control 'Keypad A' is switched On
   And Status  'OutletLinc 1' is Off

       Run Program 'OutletLinc 1 Toggle' (Then Path)

       Run Program 'OutletLinc 1 Toggle' (Else Path)



Program OutletLinc 1 Toggle

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set 'OutletLinc 1' On

       Set 'OutletLinc 1' Off

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No, polexian wanted to have the control in non-toggle ON mode, and for the program to toggle the load each time he pressed it.


OK(?!). That sure strikes me as an obscure request. While I did not see any mention of "non-toggle", I guess this is reasonably inferred from "pressing the on command". In retrospect, perhaps he is refering to the top button of a 6-button KPL?


I am sure curious what benefit that offers over leaving the button in toggle mode and simply creating a scene. Perhaps polexian has some super-creative use for this idea from which others can benefit.

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In general it is best to create a new scene, add the outlet as a responder, and finally add the switch as a controller. 

I have a setup like this, but if I turn the outlet on remotely (not from the switch) the switch LED does not go on. It doesn't appear I can set the outlet as a controller in the ISY either.

Do I need a program (something like this) if I want the LED on if the outlet is on/off when the outlet is off?

if outlet is switched on
and outlet is not switched off

then turn on switch

else turn off switch 

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It doesn't appear I can set the outlet as a controller in the ISY either. Do I need a program (something like this) if I want the LED on if the outlet is on/off when the outlet is off?


Based on what I have read at places like this, I understand that some insteon devices are limited in capability such that they cannot be used as controllers. (Perhaps they don't broadcast status?) This includes certain lamplincs and appliancelincs. I would not be surprised if the outletlinc is such a device.


If so, I assume status or control from such devices cannot be used as a program condition, either. If you want to perform a quick test, open the event viewer, then manually activate your outletlinc. If you see communication traffic, you may be OK. If not, I suspect you may not be able to do what you want.

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In general it is best to create a new scene, add the outlet as a responder, and finally add the switch as a controller. 

I have a setup like this, but if I turn the outlet on remotely (not from the switch) the switch LED does not go on. It doesn't appear I can set the outlet as a controller in the ISY either.

Do I need a program (something like this) if I want the LED on if the outlet is on/off when the outlet is off?

if outlet is switched on
and outlet is not switched off

then turn on switch

else turn off switch 


From what I am understanding of your post you have a scene with a SwitchLinc and OutletLinc linked together. It would be correct if you turn on the OutletLinc remotely then the SwitchLinc doesn't go on. The same holds true for remotely turning on the SwitchLinc, the OutletLinc will not turn on.


When you perfom remote operations you should be controlling the scene not the individual devices in the scene. By controlling the scene all linked devices go to the assigned state in the scene.


If you are using the ISY to remote control this scene try turn the scene on and off instead of the individual devices.


If you are using another Insteon device to remote control the scene just link that device to the scene.

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I have a setup like this, but if I turn the outlet on remotely (not from the switch) the switch LED does not go on. It doesn't appear I can set the outlet as a controller in the ISY either.

Do I need a program (something like this) if I want the LED on if the outlet is on/off when the outlet is off?


What do you mean by 'turn the outlet on remotely'?


If you are using one Insteon SwitchLinc to control the outlet and you want another Insteon SwitchLinc to turn on at the same time, you only need to add the second SwitchLinc as either a controller or responder to the same scene. Insteon devices don't 'track' one another, they either control a scene or respond to a scene.


If you mean you are turning the outlet on via the front set button or by toggling the device you plugged in off then back on (local control), then it gets a little complicated. As already mentioned, the OutletLinc cannot be a scene controller. You can, however, create an ISY program to query its status every so often then trigger a scene based on that query status. But you don't want to go to that trouble if you don't have to.

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I think there might be confusion that many people have when they first start using this stuff.


Some points that I think will help.


1) When a command is sent to an individual device to turn on/off or whatever, it and only it will change. It does not matter what the device might be linked to, none of those other devices will be affected.


2) When a command is sent to a scene, all of the devices in that scene will respond as per the scene attributes.


3) When you locally control a device (press the button/switch), it will locally do its thing and if it is a controller in a scene, all of the other devices in the scene will do as per the scene attributes.


Please note, turning on a device status (push the button) is not the same thing as that same device turning on as a result of a command sent to it via a power line command.


Another way to say this is that a device always behaves as a responder only unless it is actually physically acted on. When you actually physically control the device it will be a controller (should you have programmed it to control something.)


In this way, a device can respond to multiple scenes/programs. If a device were not setup this way, then a switch could not be part of one scene and control another scene because every time you changed a scene that the switch was part of, it would trigger the scene it was a controller of. You can see why you might not want this. Conceivable, you could have a cascade of scenes where turning one scene on might end up turning on practically everyting.

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Ok, so let me be more specific on what I want to do.


I have a 4 array monitor station on my computer. This is plugged into the switched portion of http://www.smarthome.com/2473SWH/OutletLinc-INSTEON-Remote-Control-Outlet-White/p.aspx <-this outlet.


I have a ceiling fan in the room with http://www.smarthome.com/2476D/SwitchLinc-Dimmer-INSTEON-Remote-Control-Dimmer-White/p.aspx <-this switch.


When I turn on my light in the room I want the monitors to turn on, but if I'm going to the office and not going to use the monitors then I want to be able to push the on switch again and turn off the monitors.


Now when I turn off the lights I want it to turn off the monitors or keep them off respectively. I also want to be able to push off on the switch again to turn on the monitors in case it is daylight and there is no need for the light to be on, but I want the monitors on.


I hope this is enough information and I apologize for not being this detailed in the first place.

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Makes sense. The big catch is, when you press the SwitchLinc ON a second time, the dimmer will immediately change to 100%. To deal with that, you'll have to have your program also adjust the dimmer back where you want it.


(One modification I made, you'll need to press OFF twice quickly to turn the monitors on without turning on the lights.)


Let us know how this set of programs works for you:


Program Monitor Bank OutletLinc Toggle

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') 

       Set 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc' On 
       Set 'Office SwitchLinc' 46% (Adjust to your desired %)

      Set 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc' Off
      Set 'Office SwitchLinc' 46% (Adjust to your desired %)



Program Office SwitchLinc Off Pressed

       Control 'Office SwitchLinc' is switched Off 

       Set 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc' Off



Program Office SwitchLinc FastOff Pressed

       Control 'Office SwitchLinc' is switched FastOff 

       Set 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc' On




Program Office SwitchLinc On Pressed

       Control 'Office SwitchLinc' is switched On 
   And Status  'Monitor Bank OutletLinc' is Off 

       Run Program 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc Toggle' (Then Path) 

       Run Program 'Monitor Bank OutletLinc Toggle' (Else Path) 

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Thanks all for the input (course this was polexian's post to start with).

What do you mean by 'turn the outlet on remotely'? 

Sorry for the confusion, by remotely I meant through the console, not a switch.

1) When a command is sent to an individual device to turn on/off or whatever, it and only it will change. It does not matter what the device might be linked to, none of those other devices will be affected.

When you perfom remote operations you should be controlling the scene not the individual devices in the scene. By controlling the scene all linked devices go to the assigned state in the scene. 

That was my problem. Some of my earlier programs were controlling only the load device, not the scene. A number of my 3-ways were behaving this way too. I’ve updated one of my programs to work with the scenes instead. That solved my issue! Thanks everybody.

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I assume you have just one switch and one outlet. If not, put the switches together in a scene and put the plugs together in a scene. Also, this assumes the lighting load is attached to the swtich.


I would consider using a kpl where one of the buttons does the monitors and the other does the lights. But, if you want to do it this way then. . .


If switch is turned on

and switch is not on

then turn plug on


if switch is turned on

and switch is not off

then turn plug off


if switch is turned off

and switch is not off

then turn plug off


if switch is turned off

and switch is off

the turn plug on


I think that should all work. Haven't tested it but I use a few similar programs in my house as is that do work.


Please note, that this does not take into account the double tap for fast on/off. You would need to pause between pushes long enough that the double tap function is no longer active.


Also, you will be challenged in dealing with brightness levels if you don't want it to just be on/off.

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The switch interaction that turns the OutputLinc On (monitors On) and then immediately turns it Off is hard on monitor electronics.


A KeypadLinc installed where you now have the SwitchLinc would allow positive control over the light and allow use one of the KPL Secondary buttons for positive control of the OutletLinc.


Another approach to avoid cycling the monitors needlessly would be to use different commands from the SwitchLinc. A single tap On or Off turns the lights On or Off. A double tap (which generates a Fast On or Fast Off) is detected by an ISY Program which turns the OutletLinc On or Off. The double tap will also turn the lights On or Off. With this arrangement the OutletLinc (monitors) turn On only when a specific double tap SwitchLinc action occurs.


Starting from a SwitchLinc Off and OutletLinc Off state, a double tap would turn the OutletLinc On as desired but it would also turn the lights On. This would require a single SwitchLinc Off tap to turn the lights Off if only monitors were desired but something is going to have to cycle trying to use one paddle for multiple functions anyway. At least with this approach the OutletLinc (monitors) would turn On only when a double tap is issued.


I think the KeypadLinc is a better approach because it insures positive control over each load. If a solution is needed within the existing hardware installed the double tap to control the OutletLinc would avoid undesirable power cycling of the monitors.



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