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TogglleLinc dimmer gone out?


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This morning my togglelinc dimmer did not turn off my garage lites. I though it missed a command , but when I went to physically toggle it off the the LED glowed (like it was in off position) but the lites stayed on. When I turned off and back on the circuit breaker that the TL was on they lights still stayed on. Is the TL gone bad or does a factory reset help? If I do a factory reset, then do a restore device from the isy? Do I have to remove the switch form any scenes BEFORE I do a factory reset?

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My guess is the triac that is the component that dims the device is shorted and is acting like a piece of wire.


You could try the Factory Reset on the chance the memory has garbage in it.


If you do a factory reset and then restore it from the ISY. I don't believe you have to remove it from scenes as you will just be writing all the links back when you do the restore.

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No I don't know if the ToggeLinc Dimmers had a common problem like that.


It does sound like the electronics in it are still functioning for programming and answering back when commands are sent to it.


After you replace it.

If you have a multimeter.

It would be interesting to see what the resistance between the Black Line wire and the Red Load wire is.

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Yes they have a 2 year warranty.

Actually if you had called technical services. They may have done a cross ship of the replacement. They would take your credit card number and charge the new one if you didn't return the dud.


Well you will not have to do many tests for them. You can just tell them you did a power cycle and factory reset and it still did not go off even though the LED did.


Zero Ohms. Sounds like a shorted triac to me.

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