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Failed writing device link


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Im trying to update a Remotelinc.


I keep getting a "Failed writing device link" -200000/-51 code.


I've reset the remotelinc and tried again, but it still fails.




Here are the last few message from the event viewer


Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0A.30.F3 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)



Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 0A 30 F3 12 9F E5 11 41 BD B2 36 FC 0C 3F 84 00 01 80 06 B0 03 40 00



Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [Extended-Direct][0A.30.F3-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0



Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:26 PM : [A 30 F3 1 ] Link 21 : 0F50 [E202150613FF1F02] *Failed Writing [E202150613FF1F02]



Thu 12/16/2010 08:15:32 PM : [ Time] 20:15:32 0(0)

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I am not a reader of those messages, but I wonder if the "Hops Left=0" part is an indication of a device not responding. Just to get the conversation rolling:


do you have access points? Are they close to the remotelinc?

did you put your remotelinc into linking mode?

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I am not a reader of those messages, but I wonder if the "Hops Left=0" part is an indication of a device not responding. Just to get the conversation rolling:


do you have access points? Are they close to the remotelinc?

did you put your remotelinc into linking mode?


The device is near the ap

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The link being written is for button 2 to Control 15.06.13. This Extended message


Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 0A 30 F3 12 9F E5 11 41 BD B2 36 FC 0C 3F 84 00 01 80 06 B0 03 40 00


is garbage. The expected message is a simple SD message (normal small Insteon message in response to the previous Set MSB which is the first command when writing a byte of RemoteLinc memory. Need full trace of Scene create to be sure the above message was not the result of something earlier.


Remove batteries for 2 minutes. Replace with new batteries. Be sure the Link Management | Advanced Options | Automatic is option in effect. Post full Event Viewer trace with Device Communications events of writing Scene with RemoteLinc button as Controller of Scene.


Identify RemoteLinc Insteon address and Scene Responder Insteon address.


This is the expected Set MSB command and response.


Fri 12/17/2010 04:54:23 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.AD.CF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


Fri 12/17/2010 04:54:23 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AD.CF 12.9F.E4 27 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)


If RemoteLinc continues to respond with Extended message after a Set MSB, with new batteries, it is defective. A Factory reset and Restore Device should be attempted before replacing.

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