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Status Question


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Looking for a little help with this one. I am running the current firmware on the ISY-99i/ir. The problem I am having is when I remotely log in via the computer or iphone it show the light's being in the off position. When I call the house, they tell me all the lights are on. I get this using the iphone mobilinc pro and the isy user interface page. Any thoughts???. Thanks for your time...

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The questions that are going through my head are: how were the devices turned on? Manually? Through a scene or program?


I understand that the ISY keeps a status of each device based on communication between the devices and PLM. When they get out of sync, I immediately think of communication problems with the PLM.

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The questions that are going through my head are: how were the devices turned on? Manually? Through a scene or program?


I understand that the ISY keeps a status of each device based on communication between the devices and PLM. When they get out of sync, I immediately think of communication problems with the PLM.

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Based on my understanding, the ISY keeps a record of device status. This record, I assume, is based upon commands and signals from the various devices, or based upon commands sent from the ISY. It is possible for the ISY-assumed status to become out-of-sync with truth. Based on your first post, it sounds as if this is the problem, as opposed to communication between the ISY and iPhone.


My first reaction is to open the event viewer and manually press one of the problem devices. Does the event viewer show receipt of the signal? Anything?


I have a tough time understanding how the ISY would get out of sync if it was recieving a signal from the devices, so it is my suspicion that it is NOT recieving this signal. The event viewer test could confirm (or reject) this suspicion.

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The Event Viewer test may show something.


I just did a test with a few of my SwitchLinc's that where Off at this time of the day.


Manually turning them On did register in My Lighting as did turning them back Off manually.

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