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KPL button C not working


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I noticed button C on 1 KPL was not controlling a program. When the button was pressed there was no event viewer trace. The other 5 buttons produced a trace. I factory reset the KPL and restored via ISY. Still no trace on button C. I removed the device via ISY, factory restored the KPL and reinstalled it in ISY. Now pressing button C produces an event trace.


I have had this happen in the past, 4 or 5 times, with various KPL's 6 or 8 button devices. Seems like it will occur after adding or changing other devices or heavy linking/relinking sessions (having nothing to do with the failed KPL).


Its really not a huge deal, other than having to recreate all the links and programs. But I was wondering why a factory reset and restore doesn't fix the problem? Some sort of corruption in the ISY or PLM? Is there any way to prevent or repair without having to remove and reinstall?




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When one KPL button does not show Event messages when pressed either a link record in the KPL is missing or in the ISY PLM. Since restoring the KPL did not fix the problem it must have been a missing link record in the PLM. The solution there would be to restore the PLM. Some folks have had success creating a new Scene with that KPL button as a Controller, then delete the new Scene. I have seen this happen before but do not know why the PLM loses the link record. The ISY simply tells the PLM to add/update a PLM link record based on device address and group (Scene) number so it appears to be a PLM issue but that is a very unproven conclusion.



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Some folks have had success creating a new Scene with that KPL button as a Controller, then delete the new Scene.


Thank Lee,


If it happens again I will try creating a scene then removing it. If that doesn't work I will try restoring the plm. Both will be a lot easier that all the relinking and fixing all of the programs.


Thanks again,


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