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Support for Redeye (wifi remote system) requested


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Do you already own the RedEye? I was very close to purchasing one, but then stumbled on the Gloobal Cache IP2IR, it's esentially a hardwired vs. wifi connnection version of the RedEye hardware. (GC also makes wifi version if this is a requirement) While the hardware is significantly less expensive, you'll have to purchase a third party software package if you want the ability to set up a 'custom' remote on an iPad or iPod touch, which will just about use up the money saved on the hardware, but you'll have better capabilities, depending on your programming ability. I purchased the iRule software, since I never used the RedEye software I can't really compare the two, but I think one could reasonably assume them to be similiar enough, maybe someone could chime in on this? Basicially I'm figuring on just starting on using my software / hardware combo for direct IR control over my A/V equipment for now, but since the GC unit (there's more than one component they manufacture which will work for ISY connectivity) is also directly controlable via the ISY (but I think you'll need to purchase the network module) with some programming I plan on one day setting that up as well.


AND if that isn't enough, apparently according to people at iRule, (though you already could contol your ISY with the IR portion of the GC unit, if you have the ISY 99ir) the iRule software is capable of controlling the ISY directly through the network.


Now all you'll have to do is decide whether you want to control your AV equipment through the ISY and GC unit, using an iPod touch / iPad on ISY's web page, or if you want to control your Lighting and ISY through, the iRule software, and GC hardware, OR both!


Really, for about the same cost, I think you'll have many more options available.


Consider a GC unit and third party software (there's others besides the iRule, but I don't know if their software will communicate with the ISY) instead of the RedEye


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