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Nothing is working, nothing will link

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Just installed the ISY 99 a couple weeks ago. The first device I am trying to get inked is a 2477SA2 for a water heater. This resides on a sub panel off the main panel that has the circuit for the PLM.


Nothing was linking, so I called tech support and found that the PLM was not communicating with the ISY. After a few resets, the PLM was communicating. I explained to the tech about what I was trying to link and he told me that I needed to install a "signallinc" at each panel to get the signal through all the legs for each panel. He also had me plug a "lamplinc" into a circuit off the main panel just to verify that the ISY would add a new device. I was able to do that and it was successful.


The signallincs #2406H came this week, so I installed them. Powered them up and then fired up the webpage for the ISY.


The lamplinc that had been linked, now had a red "!". I tried to add it again, but now the program just acts like it did when I tried to initially add the water heater.


Nothing will link, not even the lamplinc.


What next?


Have you verified the PLM is still talking to the ISY99i?



PLM Info/Status.


The after a few resets before communications does not sound real good.

Have you verified the connectors on the cable between the ISY99i and the PLM are secure?


You don't have the PLM on a power strip or UPS along with the computers power cord do you? Power strips can have a line filter in them that absorbs Insteon power line signals. So do UPS units and computer power supplies.


What revision firmware is in the ISY99i. Help about should give you the information.


Try from the diagnostics menu.

Event viewer and change the level to 3 or Device Communications Events. Then Right click on the Lamplinc with the red! and choose Query. Save the event viewer information. It may come in handy.


Have you verified the PLM is still talking to the ISY99i?


See here - http://screencast.com/t/FixKTzY7uWNA


The funny thing is if I disconnect the patch cable to the modem and do the pull down for the status, it still shows as connected. That seems really strange.


Have you verified the connectors on the cable between the ISY99i and the PLM are secure? Yes


You don't have the PLM on a power strip or UPS along with the computers power cord do you? No, PLM plugged directly into wall outlet.


Then Right click on the Lamplinc with the red! and choose Query. I can't do this because I deleted the lamplinc with the red! and now I can't add it again. I get the following error - http://screencast.com/t/f4AwZRmE1kP


It's working now. I put the lamplinc in another outlet and the program recognized it. I have 4 lamplincs, so I went around the house and added the other 3. I found that with the subpanel, when I put the lamplinc, that had not been linked on a circuit, it was not recognized. But if it was previously recognized and I moved it to a subpanel circuit, I could query it and it was found. After linking all 4 lamplinc and 1 residing off the subpanel, I was able to link the water heater.


I read some posts about how the more responders you have, the more robust the system becomes. I have in the wall switches to install, but the lamplincs made it easy for me to get the system up and running.


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