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One Scene Won't Run


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I have MobiLinc Pro set up and running nicely on my iPhone and it connects like a champ both at home over WiFi (http) and away over 3G (https)


Problem is, I have 4 Scenes set up and one of them won't run from the app. I get a dialog that says:


Bad Message

ISY failed to process the request.

Please try again.


This happens both at home over WiFi and outside the home over 3G. I can control the 4 devices in that scene individually through the app just fine.


The other 3 scenes execute flawlessly, and all 4 scenes run just fine when I run them from the ISY Administrative Console or via controllers in the home.


I tried the "Update Only" and "Download All" sync options on the app but it didn't help.


Any idea why this one scene won't run from within MobiLinc Pro when it does from the ISY itself?

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I had a similar issue with my initial MobiLinc Pro set-up and tried everything you've tried. When I couldn't get it to work I decided that maybe the problem was with that scene in the ISY. After I deleted the scene in the ISY and re-designed the scene in the ISY, everything worked (and has been working) flawlessly for quite some time now.


Just a suggestion!

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Thanks NewTech,


That worked, although I don't think there was anything wrong with the original scene in the first place.


Yeah, I thought the same thing but after deleting then reinstalling the non-working scene from the ISY, MobiLinc is now able to control the scene. I'm just happy it works!

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Hi All,


Thanks for the info. I've seen this on my end a few times and this is the only way I've been able to fix it as well. Next time this happens see if you can control the scene through the Java console. MobiLinc and the Java console work the same same way, so if MobiLinc is reporting an issue, then I'd suspect that there would be some indication through the java console when controlling the "bad" scene.



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In my case, the Scene would run flawlessly from the Java Administrative Console and from the ISY's own web interface. I only got the error when running from MobiLinc.


I deleted the scene and re-created it to fix the problem. Unfortunately, I had to edit every ISY program that referenced the scene in question.

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My guess is that there was a cache issue with MobiLinc. Since the last release I've been working on version 3 of Mobilinc. In version 3 I've rewritten quite a bit of the backend cache scheme and have modified the ISY driver to be more efficient. The biggest changes in v3 will be an updated GUI that takes into account what the community has been asking for from MobiLinc. I expect to release v3 of Pro in Feb after I can get Mobilinc HD into Apples hands here this week.



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