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Turn of KeypadLinc Button if any light status changes


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Hi everyone,


Let's say I have a "watch TV" scene that is activated by KeypadLinc Button B. When I press Button B, the button's LED turns on, and the scene is activated.


Scene "Watch TV"

Lamp1: 40%

Lamp2: 60%

Overhead light: off

Deck light: off


Can I have the LED of Button B turn of if anything changes on the scene. For example, if Lamp2 is Dimmed to 25%, or the Deck light is turned on?


If yes, can the same logic be applied if any other device that is not in the scene is activated?

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Hi everyone,


Let's say I have a "watch TV" scene that is activated by KeypadLinc Button B. When I press Button B, the button's LED turns on, and the scene is activated.


Scene "Watch TV"

Lamp1: 40%

Lamp2: 60%

Overhead light: off

Deck light: off


Can I have the LED of Button B turn of if anything changes on the scene. For example, if Lamp2 is Dimmed to 25%, or the Deck light is turned on?


Sure. Create a scene that has just the keypad button as a responder and a program that watched for a change in status and turned off that scene.


For instance:

       Status  'Lamp 1' is 40%
   And Status  'Lamp 2' is 60%
   And Status  'Overhead Light' is Off
   And Status  'Deck Light' is Off

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set Scene '~ Keypad Status Scenes / Foyer B Status Scene' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


For this to work, you have to make settings changes via an Insteon switch rather than using local control with a module. Local control changes are not reported back to the ISY, so they wouldn't trigger the program.

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For this to work, you have to make settings changes via an Insteon switch rather than using local control with a module. Local control changes are not reported back to the ISY, so they wouldn't trigger the program.


By module here, you are meaning something like an appliancelinc or lamplinc (no report back to ISY), vice a switchlinc or a keylinc pad (which will report a change)?


* Orest

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