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Multi-keypad scene setup query


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Since I've been running up to some limitations of the Insteon/Isy system, I thought I would ask what the best way to set this up would be.


So, let's say I have 4 scenes (hi, med, low and off). I want to have 2 keypadlincs control those 2 scenes.


Keypad 1 (8 button)

Button C - High

Button E - Med

Button G - Low

Button H - Off

* Note: The other buttons have other scenes that will only be controlled by this keypad


Keypad 2 (6 button)

Button A - High

Button B - Med

Button C - Off

Button D - Low


So, if I press Button E on Keypad 1, I would like the following to occur:

Med Scene activated

Button E Lit on Keypad 1 (All other buttons off)

Button B Lit on Keypad 2 (All other buttons off)


I would like to achieve as much of it as possible without resorting to programs.





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I want to have 2 keypadlincs control those 2 scenes.


I thought you said there were four scenes. Let me rephrase this, to make sure I understand. You want to define a button on each of two keypads to control four scenes. Correct?


I would create a mutually-exclusive relationship between buttons CEGH on KPL-8 and ABCD on KPL-6. This relationship would ensure that only one of the four buttons is on at any one point. After that, I would create the four scenes with the applicable two KPL buttons as controllers in each scene.


The only doubt in my mind is whether the mutually-exclusive relationship is maintained when a KPL button is responding to a scene command, rather than direct control. Perhaps someone can confirm this.

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A KPL does not honor mutually exclusive button grouping when commands are received from another controller. This is true whether a Direct or Group command is received by the KPL. Mutually exclusive button operation (button grouping) applies only when a button is pressed on the KPL itself.




Insteon hardware does not support the button responses you are looking for with device to device links alone. This is not an ISY limitation or restriction. A Program will have to be triggered when a KPL button is pressed with the Program issuing Scene commands to adjust the responder KPL button LEDs. Scene links can be used between the KPL buttons to get the opposite button number to turn On/Off (ie 8 button C and 6 button A controllers of the same scene which will produce the necessary cross-links to keep these buttons in sync). To turn Off 6 button B,C,D with 8 button C press On requires the Program to turn Off a Scene with 6 button B,C,D as responders. Same thing in reverse. The program turns Off 8 buttons E,G,H when 6 button A is pressed On.


Another approach is to not use device to device links at all, with the Program controlling all button responses in the other KPL. Various ways to do things with automation, just depends on how you want it to work and how much definition you want to do.


I prefer device to device links as much as possible to produce instantaneous responder reaction where ever possible.

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A KPL does not honor mutually exclusive button grouping when commands are received from another controller. This is true whether a Direct or Group command is received by the KPL. Mutually exclusive button operation (button grouping) applies only when a button is pressed on the KPL itself.


As I had suspected (vaguely recalled this being the case). BTW, by "direct" I meant manually pressing.

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I thought you said there were four scenes. Let me rephrase this, to make sure I understand. You want to define a button on each of two keypads to control four scenes. Correct?


Correct. My bad on the 2 scene comment. Too much insteon swimming in the brain right now!





I prefer device to device links as much as possible to produce instantaneous responder reaction where ever possible.


This is what I'm trying to accomplish. I played around with a test program and the delay when manipulating the button leds was the first thing my wife noticed.


I'm going to try a combination of oberck and LeeG's suggestions. I'll define mutually-exclusive relationships for 'local' button presses, and then trigger the other keypad's leds via a program. Hopefully this will provide a near-instantaneous response at the 'local' keypad and a 'fast-enough' response at the remote keypad(s).


I truly appreciate the time you both have taken to share your knowledge with me and the group.



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I like the idea of a combination of direct links for actual load control and a Program response to control the remote KPL Secondary buttons. The load response is what needs to be instantaneous. Unless the remote KPL is in visual range a slight delay in Secondary KPL button LED response will not be noticed.



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