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Venstar 1800


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I have been considering linking in my thermostats using the 1800 modules, I have to admit to a bit of reluctance though -- if a light comes on or goes off errantly the consequences are nil to minimal, if your furnace gets misdirected it could be a major issue.


I have also read a number of threads here about com issues with these units, and a SH rep has started gathering info it seems, so it may be a fairly prevalent problem - at least they are going to try to fix it.


I also came across a thread elsewhere that suggested a new upcoming product release, similar to the 1800, but with the RF module built-in.


I'm wondering if I should hold off and wait & see. Any thoughts?


Are there folks out there with POSITIVE experiences with the 1800 units?


* Orest

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While I have posted my problems with my T-1800, I have been very happy with it overall.


I use it in my primary residence only so I don't have concerns with long periods of inactivity (or presence). I use my ISY for all programming of it and have it turn on and off the heater at various times. The only issue that I am having at the moment is the adapter failing every 2 or 3 weeks. I just reset it and it works fine again.


I have not seen the random commands affecting wireless connections as I have with PLC devices. I have a very dirty PLC environment but I've found the wireless side to be much better (except for the part where the commands have to travel from the AP to the ISY via PLC). I am still on an older PLM with an AP side by side with it so again, my wireless is not too impacted.


Because of my PLC issues, I too was concerned with the potential of "stray commands" impacting my heater. One thing that I did was to create a program to notify me anytime the heater gets turned on when the house is unoccupied. I can then check to see if my wife came home early or I can remote in to the ISY and either see what is going on or turn off the heater. This has made me feel very comfortable with using the T-1800 with the RF adapter. I also have a program to detect the failed communication with T-1800 but I am still improving it.


I hope you view this as a positive response see how the ISY can overcome INSTEON and PLC issues.



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I'd be delighted to see the code you have, in particular the code that detects failed communication. If this issue can be caught most of the time, quickly, and a notification sent then it would alievate most of the concern -- until this matter gets properly fixed.


* Orest

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I have a general program that starts at midnight every night and has a 15 minute loop in it (repeat every 15 minutes).


On each loop, it fires a program called Heater Check. Heater Check does a query on the t-stat, sets the heat mode off, kills a few seconds, and runs a query again. After the last query, it then fires Heater Check 2.


Heater Check 2 tests the status of the t-stat (status should be mode off) and if it is good (then), it turns the mode back to heat and ends. If the status is bad (status is not mode off), then it sends a custom notification to me telling the heater is not responding. If this happens, I know someone needs to go check the heater.


Sorry but I was unable to cut and paste so I hope this helps.


Again, I just did this as a percaution and I hope to drop it when they find the real cause. The 24 hour/15 minute loop was originally from when I had the v1 adapter which did not send status. I just came up with another purpose for it.




BTW, since I put this in, I've never had the RF adapter fail again which was about a month ago.

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