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scenes with thermostat and remotelinc


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Is there any way to use both ON and OFF states of a remotelinc button to enable and disable respectively a heat mode on thermostat?

If I just create a scene and put the button and thermostat in it, then ON button does put it into HEAT mode,, but OFF button does nothing. I think without ISY there is a way to link thermostat to ON and OFF button independently, how can I do that with isy?




Create one thermostat scene for the On button and add the button as controller of the scene. That will establish the relationship between On and the original scene as well as allowing you to adjust the thermostat (using the r2 adapter) in one degree increments using bright & dim.


Next, create a second thermostat scene for the Off button, but don't add the button as controller. Instead, create a program:


       Control 'RemoteLinc 1 Button A' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Thermostat Scenes / Therm Heat 66F Scene' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



so no way to link to the OFF button without using going through isy99 programs?

I really prefer all my scenes into the devices whenever possible and resort to isy99 only for really advanced/nice to have features, this way of isy99 fails most of my setup will still work. It seems that directly linking thermo with remotelinc OFF is possible, so not being able to do it through isy99 is just a limitation of isy99 scene model. Is my understanding correct?


With nearly all Insteon devices, you can control the reaction to On commands but all other reactions are hard-coded. So far as I've been able to discern as an ISY user, if you want to create a unique reaction to an Off, Bright or Dim command you'll need to employ an ISY program.

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