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I'm fairly new to Insteon.


When I manually turn a light switch on (from the switch itself) the software (Iniversal Devices Administrative Console) shows the state change from on to off.. or visa versa. (NO QUERY IS SET by me)


When I use a controller that is linked to the light switch the software does not actively show the change. I need to requery.




and how do I get the light switch to broadcast its new state...


(I don't understand why it would just because a controller told it to change verses me touching it)


I've tried light switches and appliance modules.. the software does the same thing to both.


Thank-you in advance.

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I just used a Smarthome ControLinc 2430 and press Button #5 ON for 10 sec.

It goes into "link mode".

then I went to the switch and press the light in for 3 seconds until it beeped.


the controller turns the light on and off by press ON / OFF


I also did the same thing with an appliance module.


Inside the software when press #5 on.. the light turns on, but sofware still says OFF. If I go over to the switch and press ON, the software says on. If I turn the switch off (manually) the software says off.


the software does not change states if I use the 2430 controller to turn the light on or off.. unless I say QUERY.


same example for the appliance module.



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All Scenes (links) must be done by the ISY for it to be aware of device state changes by another device.


Don't know how far you have gone with establishing manual links outside of the ISY. Suggest deleting all the devices from the ISY, doing factory reset on the devices (NOT the ISY), add the devices back deleting existing links. Then use ISY Scenes to link devices together.


Do not do manual linking outside of the ISY.

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Forgive my ignorance... (I am new to insteon... but know X10 well)


I have no scenes. I linked everything in the software.


-I wired the light switch

-went to ISY console and clicked Start Linking

-went to light switch and press light for 3 seconds as it beeped.

-ISY saw the light switch


Manually flip the light switch on... ISY registers it as on

Manually flip the light switch off... ISY register is as off

..(without asking for query)


-went to SmartHome ControLinc 2430 and press #5 ON for 10 seconds.

-went to light switch and press light button for 3 seconds

-Press #5 ON (on the ConroLinc) and the light switch turns ON HOWEVER the ISY Console doesn't update the light switch to ON

(If I query in the console the light swtich.. it updates as on)

-Press #5 OFF on controLinc and light turns off, HOWEVER the ISY console

still shows ON

(If I query in the console the light switch.. it updates to OFF)

-IF i manually toggle the light switch ON then ISY updates automatically to ON (same with manual toggle OFF)


There are no scenes.. only 1 switch and 1 appliance module. (The light swtich is NOT linked to the appliance module nor visa versa.. i simple added the appliance module to test this NO UPDATE status using the ControLinc 2430.


WHY? I'm very frustrated. :<

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-went to SmartHome ControLinc 2430 and press #5 ON for 10 seconds.

-went to light switch and press light button for 3 seconds

-Press #5 ON (on the ConroLinc) and the light switch turns ON HOWEVER the ISY Console doesn't update the light switch to ON

(If I query in the console the light swtich.. it updates as on)

-Press #5 OFF on controLinc and light turns off, HOWEVER the ISY console

still shows ON



You created a 'manual link' between the ControLinc and the light switch. When you press the ControLinc button, it now has a 'private' conversation with the switch without involving the ISY, so the ISY doesn't know to update the light's status.


Delete that manual link by holding down said ControLinc OFF button for 10 seconds until the LED starts to blink. Now hold in the switch's set button for 3 seconds until it double beeps and both units' LEDs stop flashing. Now if you press the ControLinc buttons they should no longer control the switch.


In the future, to establish a control relationship between two devices, create a scene in the ISY and add all devices using the ISY. That way, the ISY will be able to track the state of devices without having to query them.

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Thank-you for this help and information. Two follow up questions.


1) You said to link the ISY with the controLinc however the controLinc is a CONTROLLER and there is no way for it to link to "another controller" like the ISY???

-I press 'Start Linking' in the ISY and then press and held button 1 ON for 10 Seconds... all that happens is the 2430 controLinc goes into its own listen mode... there is no linking option. See the online manual here:



2) Even though the ISY doesn't know the controLinc... why wouldn't it know the light turned on when the actual switch turns on. I thought that the light switches (and all insteon devices send their status automatically when they change.... example... manually turning on the switch sends a command to the ISY that it's on and ISY updates.)... so why doesn't it update... i just want to understand the technology...

Again it seems "weird" that touching a switch to 'on' sends a status to ISY vs not sending a satus because it received a command to turn on.


thank-you again in advance.

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There should be no linking of devices directly. The “Start Linking†is for adding a device to the ISY. It is not used for anything else.


Use Link Management | New Scene to define an ISY Scene. Then right click on a ControLinc button and select Add to Scene .... Select the Scene name the ControLinc button should be added to. It will be added as a Controller as the ControLinc is a controller only device. Then right click on the device that you want to act as the Responder to the Scene. Select Add to Scene ... and name the Scene. Depending on whether the Responder device is responder only or both a controller and responder, set the Responder device as a Responder to the Scene.


When the Scene information is written into the respective devices, Controller and Responder, the ControLinc button will control the Responder. Also the ISY status display for the ControLinc button and the Responder device will change as the ControLinc button is pressed On and Off.


The ISY PLM is both a Controller and a Responder. You do not define the ISY PLM specifically in an ISY Scene . The ISY will automatically add the necessary links to the ISY PLM that are required for it to be notified when device state changes occur.


EDIT: it is not necessary to feel your way through this process. The ISY User Guide on page 20 describes how to define an ISY Scene and how to add Controllers and Responders to ISY Scenes.



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Thank-you! I've been able to figure it out now with your help. Scenes are what I need to do for Insteon... whereas in X10.. and Hall2000.. it was much easier. But with your knowledge.. I'm on the right track now.


FYI to link a controller in ISY you need to manually link it using the code on the back of the 2430 ControLink


(incase anyone else needs that help)


Thank-you again.

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  • 2 years later...

I have the same problem as described in the previous comments in this topic. I have a ControLinc 2430 and an ISY-99i. I have linked one device to each of the buttons on the ControLinc "outside" of the ISY and do not get the correct on/off status on my ISY when I use the ControLinc to turn on/off a device. From reading the posts in this topic, I understand that I need to delete the links created by the ControLinc, then make a scene in my ISY containing the ControLinc and one of the devices to be controlled by the ControLinc. Question: Would I make this new ISY scene to include the ControLinc (as controller) and ONE of the devices (matching one of the buttons on the ControLinc) to be controlled (as responder)? If so, how does this scene know which button on the ControLinc is linked to this device? If this is correct, I would then make a new scene for each of the buttons on the ControLinc?

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"Would I make this new ISY scene to include the ControLinc (as controller) and ONE of the devices (matching one of the buttons on the ControLinc) to be controlled (as responder)?"


Exactly right. Define an ISY Scene, add the ControLinc button as a Controller and the device as a Responder.


"If so, how does this scene know which button on the ControLinc is linked to this device? If this is correct, I would then make a new scene for each of the buttons on the ControLinc?"


When the ControLinc is/was added to the ISY there were six nodes defined, one for each ControLinc button. When a ControLinc button is pressed it sends a message to the ISY which indicates which button was pressed. That way the ISY knows which ControLinc button just turned On or Off and what Responder(s) to mark On or Off as appropriate.


Yes, each ControLinc button requires a different ISY Scene with the ControLinc button as Controller and whatever devices that should be controlled by that button as Responders.


Insteon limits each button such that it can be a Controller in only one Scene. However, a Responder can be controlled by multiple buttons and therefore can appear as a Responder in multiple Scenes.


EDIT: when I discussed each ControLinc button, I am referring to each On/Off button pair as a single button. Each On/Off button pair has the same button identifier. The ISY knows whether the On or Off button is pressed by the command that is sent to the ISY.

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Thanks Lee, I will give it a try.


One more question though. Currently, in addition to having a direct link between my ControLinc button and a device, I also have my ISY-99 linked to that same device so that I can also turn on/off that device via MobiLinc (my iPad). I presume, I will also have to remove that ISY link before making a scene for the ControLinc button? Then, once I make a scene on my ISY with the ControLinc as a controller, how can I use my iPad/MobiLinc to control that device also?


So, would the steps be: 1) Remove ControLinc/Device link. 2) Remove ISY/Device link. 3) Create ISY scene with ControLinc as controller and device as responder. 4) MobiLinc?? - Use newly created scene to control device??

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1) Remove ControLinc/Device link


Yes, this Set button link should be unlinked.


2) Remove ISY/Device link.


I take this to be an ISY Scene with the Device as either a Responder or Controller. If this is correct simply add the ControLinc button as a Controller of this ISY Scene. The Scene can be controlled from MobiLinc or the Device can be controlled from MobiLinc. Because the ControLinc is a Controller Only device (cannot be turned On/Off from another controller) nothing is lost by controlling the Device rather than controlling the ISY Scene. If there are other devices in this ISY Scene besides the Device and the ControLinc button than the Scene should be controlled from MobiLinc.


If the "remove ISY/Device link" is not referring to an ISY Scene please clarify.


3) Create ISY scene with ControLinc as controller and device as responder.


This depends on what is meant by “remove ISY/Device linkâ€. If this is not referring to an ISY Scene than I need to know what is meant by this before discussing a new ISY Scene.


4) MobiLinc?? - Use newly created scene to control device??


Because the ControLinc is a Controller Only device (cannot be turned On/Off from another controller) nothing is lost by controlling the Device rather than controlling the ISY Scene. If there are other devices in this ISY Scene besides the Device and the ControLinc button than the Scene should be controlled from MobiLinc.

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I would like to control a single device (ToggeLinc) with two different controllers (ControLinc & ISY/MobiLinc). Currently, I am controlling this device with two controllers, but the ISY/MobiLinc controller does not pick up the ControLinc status changes (on/off status) because the ControLinc is directly linked to the device.


From your comments above, I understand that I need to delete the direct link between the ControLinc and the device, and I presume, I need to delete a second link between the ISY and the device. Currently, the ISY (controller) is setup as a direct link to the device (responder) not as a scene. When I delete the link between the ControLinc and the device, as you described above, will that delete the link between the ISY and the device, as well as the link between the ControLinc and the device??


If so, all I have to do is:

1) Remove the link between the ControLinc and the device (first link)

2) Remove the device from the admin console on my ISY (second link)

3) Create an ISY scene with one of the ControLinc buttons (Controller) and the device (responder)

4) Add a device (responder) on my ISY for the ToggeLinc to be controlled by MobiLinc


Will this work, or do I still not get it?

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“Currently, the ISY (controller) is setup as a direct link to the device (responder) not as a scene. “


I don’t understand what this means. How was a direct link established between the ISY PLM and the device? If you are talking about the links established when the device was added to the ISY those links are fine. No need to do anything with these links nor should anything be done with these links. They are needed for the ISY to function correctly. By the way what is the “device� Is this the ToggleLinc?


1) Remove the link between the ControLinc and the device (first link)


Yes – the direct link should be removed.


2) Remove the device from the admin console on my ISY (second link)


No – this is the ToggleLinc (?), there is no reason to Delete this device from the ISY


3) Create an ISY scene with one of the ControLinc buttons (Controller) and the device (responder)


Yes - ControLinc button is Controller, ToggleLinc is Responder


4) Add a device (responder) on my ISY for the ToggeLinc to be controlled by MobiLinc


This is where I get confused. If the ToggleLinc is already defined to the ISY there is no reason to Delete it as mentioned above. Besides if the ToggleLinc is Deleted from the ISY it cannot be added to an ISY Scene.


However, devices are not added to the ISY with the choice of making them Controllers or Responders. The ISY adds them as a Controller or Responder based on the device capability. In the case of a ToggleLinc it is added as a Controller because it has both Controller and Responder capability.


Selecting whether a device is added to a Scene as a Controller or Responder is the only place that choice is made.

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Ok, I think I understand now. The ToggleLinc is the only responder and the ControLinc and MobiLinc are the two Controllers in my comments above. You are right about what I was talking about as a link between the ISY and the ToggleLinc. I thought of this as a link, the same as the link between the ControLinc and the ToggleLinc. This (what I incorrectly called a link) was when the device (ToggleLinc) was added to the ISY. So, I will leave this "link" alone.


As I previously mentioned, I think I understand now. I will try it out this evening. Thanks so much for your help and patience.

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Thanks for the help Lee. I got the Insteon ToggleLinc working well with the ControLinc as a controller. Can I do the same with an X-10 responder? Button 2 on my ControLinc controls an X-10 lamp module. First I have to remove the ControLinc/Lamp Module link and the X-10 lamp module does not have a set button.

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Insteon does not support an X10 address as part of a Scene. An ISY Program can be triggered with the ControLinc button. The Program issues an X10 On or X10 Off based on the ControLinc button pressed.


The X10 module is not actually linked to the ControLinc button. An X10 address was assigned to the ControLinc button so any X10 device with that X10 house/unit code will respond to the ControLinc button press. If that is still working as desired just leave it alone.

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I take it you have the optional ISY X10/A10 module that allows X10 devices to be defined by Name in the My Lighting/ISY Lighting tree.


The X10 message generated by the ControLinc will appear as traffic on the power line and be traced by the ISY. Unfortunately I don't use the optional ISY X10 module so don't know if the ISY tracks the status of X10 devices. If it does the MobiLinc should also carry that On/Off status.

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I take it you have the optional ISY X10/A10 module that allows X10 devices to be defined by Name in the My Lighting/ISY Lighting tree.


The X10 message generated by the ControLinc will appear as traffic on the power line and be traced by the ISY. Unfortunately I don't use the optional ISY X10 module so don't know if the ISY tracks the status of X10 devices. If it does the MobiLinc should also carry that On/Off status.


ISY does track X10 status but not based on query but rather by remembering the last command heard. Depending on powerline and module manual control, this status may not be accurate.



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Yes, I am using the optional ISY X10/A10 module but the ISY status for ControLinc controlled X10 devices is consistantly not correct. The Insteon devices controlled by the ControLinc, now that I have changed the link, consistantly has the correct ISY status.

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. Press a ControLinc button that has an X10 address assigned for controlling X10 devices. I suspect the X10 messages are not reaching the PLM location. The following are what X10 messages should look like when they reach the PLM. If they are not in the trace move the ControLinc closer to the PLM plug point and try the test again.


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:33 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 5F 00


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:33 PM : [ X10] G10


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:34 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 52 80


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:34 PM : [ X10] G10/On (3)


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:41 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 55 00


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:41 PM : [ X10] G7


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:42 PM : [X10-RX ] 02 52 53 80


Wed 02/13/2013 03:08:42 PM : [ X10] G7/Off (11)

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