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EZIo 2x4 not working right after upgrade


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I have an EZIO 2x4 hooked up to control my his/hers garage doors. Ive got those wired magnet sensors wired up to it and its been working for 2 years. every time the garage opens breaking the contact on the magnets the "relay" (im not sure thats the right term) on the ISY shows "ON" meaning the garage is open. it immediatley changes to off once the garage closes and the magnet is back to its base.


The other week I upgrade from 2.8.10 to 2.8.13. I had all kinds of trouble with my EZIO not working and saw it addressed quickly by michael and UD. so at the time I went back to 2.8.10. but when i did that the relay (on/off) when garage is open/closed quit working.. If i open the garage the relay doesnt change to ON. however if i do a query in the ISY on "my lighting" it will update to on. same thing when i close the garage it wont update on its own. i have to run query. I also have to do the query on "my lighting" and not on the relay itself. Ive since upgraded to 2.8.14 and now 2.8.15 and i still have the same issue.


ive checked and tightened all the wires that are screwed into the IZIO. i've done a factory reset on the device by unplugging for 10 seconds, plug in while holding set button for 10 seconds. ive done restore device thru ISY. but nothing seems to work. I guess i know everything is wired correctly still because if i query it it shows the correct status. i just can't figure out why it doesnt update real time anymore. I have a ton of programs that check the garage open/close to know when we are coming home and leaving and of course non of them work anymore.


Sorry if this is long, i was trying to describe the setup and problem accurately and im not sure if i know all the correct terminology so i tried to break it down :)


thanks for any suggestions or input

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Sorry for the delay, I was out of town. It sounds like the links in the PLM have been erased during the process of moving back and forth between images.


There are a few things to check first but likely the File | Restore Modem (PLM) will be required. First though...


Does the Admin Console show status for all your devices (or is status blank)


Does the Admin Console device status change as you press a paddle or KPL button.


Does the EZIO2X4 Node associated with where the magnetic switch is connected show a change in status as the door is opened and closed.



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Thanks for the reply!


The admin console has a status for each and every device including my EZIO2x4


The admin console device status does update in real time as KPL/paddles buttons are pressed


not sure if I understand the last question. Do you want to know if there is a status change in the ISY or somewhere else when the door is open/closed.


the ezio status does NOT change in the ISY when the door opens/closes UNLESS i click on query in the ISY then it will update its status correctly..


Does it sound like i need to do the File | restore modem option? i have not done this before, any precautions i need to take before hand...


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I did a Factory Reset of my EZIO2X4 and then a Restore Device which returned it to full operation. I think there two possible solutions. Either Delete the EZIO2X4 from the ISY and add it back so that all the links are reestablished for that specific device OR do a File | Restore Modem {PLM} to restore the entire PLM. That is over kill since is looks like all you other devices are working. The problem with Deleting a device from the ISY is that it will be removed from any Scenes and Programs that reference the EZIO2X4. The Restore Modem (PLM) can take a long time if the Insteon installation is large. The Delete and add back will be faster but all the Scene and Program references have to be put back manually. Just depends on which option you prefer.


Do an ISY Backup before using either option.



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