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Setting "Main" button on a keypad operate scenes


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I've had Insteon with ISY for a few years, but haven't done much with it for the last couple of years except enjoy it! I have upgraded to the 99 about a year ago and now running 2.8.16 .



In my Wreck Room, I have six 2476D wall dimmers controlling 32 pot lights (the 2476D are in a wiring closet and not directly used). I use an 8 button KPL to control each Zone and a second 2476D to control the scenes, the KPL's do not switch a load directly.


On my Scene KPL, Main is used to turn ON all zones to 100%, but if I wish to change to another scene, all lights must be turned OFF, then turned back on by the scene button. How can I simply press a Scene button and have it change to that scene without all the lights turning OFF first?


When I press Main on the Scene, all the KLP buttons come ON, so I thinking thats why everything must go OFF to turn ON another scene, and then only that button lights. Everything works as expected with the other buttons.




Hmmm, since writing this 10 mins ago, I logged into the ISY99 and just looked at stuff, then I clicked on a tiny little unlabled rectangle in the middle of a scene screen. A window open, looked like it was reading devices, now I see all my programs are blank and my scenes do not work right at all.


What is this tiny unlabled "button" I pressed?

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I've had Insteon with ISY for a few years, but haven't done much with it for the last couple of years except enjoy it! I have upgraded to the 99 about a year ago and now running 2.8.16 .



In my Wreck Room, I have six 2476D wall dimmers controlling 32 pot lights (the 2476D are in a wiring closet and not directly used). I use an 8 button KPL to control each Zone and a second 2476D to control the scenes, the KPL's do not switch a load directly.


On my Scene KPL, Main is used to turn ON all zones to 100%, but if I wish to change to another scene, all lights must be turned OFF, then turned back on by the scene button. How can I simply press a Scene button and have it change to that scene without all the lights turning OFF first?


When I press Main on the Scene, all the KLP buttons come ON, so I thinking thats why everything must go OFF to turn ON another scene, and then only that button lights. Everything works as expected with the other buttons.


That is a KPL limitation that any included buttons can only follow On/Off commands. Other responders can be set to Off in a scene.


You can create programs to switch other scenes containing KPL buttons to Off depending on device states.


Since you only have 1 KPL Mutually Exclusive buttons may work for you.



Hmmm, since writing this 10 mins ago, I logged into the ISY99 and just looked at stuff, then I clicked on a tiny little unlabled rectangle in the middle of a scene screen. A window open, looked like it was reading devices, now I see all my programs are blank and my scenes do not work right at all.


What is this tiny unlabled "button" I pressed?


If the programs are blank the ISY is not seeing the PLM. Unplug the PLM and ISY for a minute.


I don't know of any un-labeled button.

If you just installed the firmware upgrade be sure to clear your Java cache.




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