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New Venstar thermo added - not enough devices


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I just added a Venstar thermostat with an older v2 adaptor to my system (it had been sitting in the box for a year or so). When I added it, it added a single device called 'Thermostat.' My previous Venstar thermostats when added had 4 devices: 'Thermostat - Main,' 'Thermostat-Cool Cont,' 'Thermostat-Heat Cont,' and 'Thermostat-Fan Cont.'


Is having just a single device 'Thermostat' the new way that it works after an updated firmware, or should all 4 devices have been created when the thermostat was added?

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Check the sticker for the device version number. Version 1.x of the thermostat adapter had one node, a responder-only device that could be queried for status.


Version 2.x has one responder node and 3 controller nodes, with the controllers able to link to other Insteon devices and trigger scenes based on call for heating, cooling or fan.


In order to get all four nodes, the hardware has to be v. 2 or above. You may also need to add it to the ISY using device type Auto Discover to avoid defaulting to the v1 capabilities.

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