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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

EZIO IL1/IL2 not working


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This is an EZIO2x4 new out of the box. I do not have, and have not used their setup utility.



I was planning on using I1 as a dry contact closure.


I confirmed 5v between +5 & the GND.


Connected the I1+ to the +5v, and then used the I1- and GND as the dry contact. Shorting these terminals does not result in an insteon message, there is no change in the the ISY "Main" page listing.


Same with I2, connected similarly, no activity.


I assume that the -9 & -A nodes are the I1 & I2 nodes, and IL3 & IL4 are associated with node -B & -C. Both of the -B & -C nodes are sitting as ON.



The relays out seem to work fine, they are shown as the -1 and -2 nodes in ISY.


What am I doing wrong?


* Orest




What ISY firmware level are you running?


SHN device support requires the SHN device be added to the ISY with one of the 2.8.x images specify the explicit Device Type of EZIO2X4.


You are correct about -9 representing Input 1, -A represents Input 2 and so on.


The lack of messages from the EZIO2X4 Inputs indicates a problem with the link records either in the EZIO2X4 or ISY PLM (assuming wiring correct and on a 2.8.x release). Try a Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table. Confirm that an E2 entry exists with a Group number of 09,0A,0B and 0C.




Running 3.1.0, although EZIO was installed under 2.8.14 I think.


I may not have specified the device explicitly when I added it, that might well be the problem. Show Device Links Table shows only ...


OFF8: 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00


* Orest


The lack of any link records does look like the ISY did not know it was an SHN device when it was added. There is code specific to SHN devices that must be run when a device is added to the ISY which is run only when a specific SHN Device Type is entered.


I'll also update to 3.1.x and verify nothing has regressed.


OK, deleted the device, and readded it using the New Insteon device dialog, specifying the 2x4.


I have the 6 nodes now, the first one blank, the others labeled -2 and -9 thru -C. I renamed the first to -1


The show device links table now shows ...


0F88: E1 09 00.00.00 00 IF 09

0FF0: 00 00 00.00.00 FF IF 0A


Relays work.


I1 still does not respond with a message with I1+/5v and I1-/GND shorted. -9 thru -C all remain OFF.


Looks like the SET light has now started flickering rapidly, and continually.


* Orest


I tested 3.1.0. All worked as expected. The Show Device Links Table is correct and the Input state changes are reflected in the My Lighting display.


That link database display is garbage.


Try moving the EZIO2X4 to a different plug point and display the link database again. Not sure if the link database is not displaying correctly or was not written correctly.


Actually things are getting better. I missed the flashing LED in your last post. The links are likely correct and AN1 and AN2 (Inputs 3 & 4) are cycling because they are not locked to GND. Connect AN1 and AN2 to GND. That will stop the Input cycling (LED flashing).


AN1 and AN2 operate in digital mode (ON/OFF) by default or Analog mode. Because they can operate in analog mode there are no pullup resisters built into AN1 and AN2. Either lock AN1 and AN2 to GND or with 2 1/4 watt 10K resisters connect AN1 and AN2 to +5V. Connecting to GND will lock AN1 and AN2 ON. Connecting AN1 and AN2 to +5V through the pullup resisters will lock AN1 and AN2 OFF.


Sorry I missed the flashing LED the last time.


No problem. Link database display is still garbage. I'm sure this is the result of the analog inputs cycling because they are not locked On or Off. The constant traffic from the EZIO2X4 is interfering with the link database display. Look at my post just above your typo post.


Ok, tied AN1 and AN2 to +5 with an 8k & 10k resistor (only could find one 10k). The flickering has stopped.


The relays are controlled as expected.


I have the 5v/I1+ and GND/I1- pairs shorted.


ALL of -9 through -C show OFF. I presume from what you were saying , -9 should be ON now.


* Orest


Okay. Will not work without link records. Perhaps the Input cycling interfered with the New INSTEON Device processing.


Delete the device. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device Communications Events selected and the add the device to the ISY. Save the Event Viewer Log file. Try the Input test by opening and closing the I1- GND connection and see if that causes an Input state change.


If not send the Event Viewer Log from the device add to


lwgwork@embarqmail.com or post the log file


Eureka, it works!


As you surmised, the flashing analog outs were likely interfering with the setup. This time when I added the device, it took quite a bit longer to set up.


The Device links table is now populated with 4 "E2" links, corresponding to 09 thru 0C, together with an EOF.


The other potential issue was that I had not added the device explicitly, which you suggested, and I fixed earlier on.


Thanks so much.



This might be a common setup problem, unless someone knows to silence the analog inputs, pulling them either ON or OFF, when first setting it up out of the box.


* Orest

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