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Can't add 2420M Motion Sensor to 2.8.16


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Recently upgraded, apparently successfully, toRev.2.8.16. Having trouble adding 2420M rev. 2.0 to ISY. Was able to add to previous version (2.7.15). Have followed standard proceedure and consulted Wiki. No luck.




Use New INSTEON Device; specify Address, Name, and Device Type as Insteon Motion Sensor. Be sure the Motion Sensor is in linking mode by pressing Set button. Normally a popup is displayed as a reminder to put the Motion Sensor into linking mode.




No go. #2420M flashes, no notification of incorrect address format, have tried placing in linking mode before OK, and after. Is this apparently latest version of #2420M compatible with 2.8.16?


Why do you think there should be an incorrect address format message? Is there some doubt about the Motion Sensor Insteon address?


If all the information is entered into New INSTEON Device popup suggest moving the Motion Sensor closer to a Dual Band device.


As a diagnostic run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device Communications Events selected. Then attempt add of the Motion Sensor. Post the Event Log after device add is unsuccessful.


Incorrect address format message was received and noted during installation attempt, not applicable. Motion Sensor approximately 3 feet from access point. Event Log results saved, need instruction on posting.


Use Wordpad to view the file. Copy portion of Event Log associated with Motion Sensor add to clip board. Paste clipboard into post.


2420M appears to be working properly. Should not have tried updating software and adding new device at same time. 2 new questions. Since I have the ability to power unit from stand alone 9 VDC supply and supposedly get away from the degrading battery voltage, has anyone done this? Would like to know before I try it. Also, has anyone used the Lo-Bat indication sent back to ISY to provide alarm or notification to user? I have LED disabled and assume I would not get double - flash from unit. Thanks.


Tests of the low battery function on one of my motion sensors shows it tripping the low battery Group 3 On message in the low 4V range. I do not use it to send an alarm/alert but it could be used for that purpose. There is no counterpart Group 3 Off message when a new battery is installed.


There are folks on the Smarthome forum who report using the battery eliminator successfully.


Turning the LED Off for motion does not stop the LED from flashing when a responder ACK is not received.

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