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Programming help with appliance linc.


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I have a theater that has a side curtain that closes with an appliancelinc. I am trying to find a way to program the lights to go off when I shut the curtain and turn on when I open the curtain. The problem is as you all know you have to set it to off before you can turn it back on. Has anyone come up with a program that would work? I am not smart enough to do it. :oops:

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I am using a remotelinc to open the curtain but I use a harmony remote to turn on the pj. I don't care if it does anything with the pj because that is not how I want it to go. I am trying to get my lights to work with my curtain because when I close them it usually means the show is starting.

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You turn on the ApplianceLinc, that provides power to the closer, then the closer automatically shuts off a few seconds later?


Then you could do this:


Remove the RemoteLinc as controller of the previously mentioned scene.


Create a program like this:


       Control 'RemoteLinc Button 6' is switched On
   And Control 'RemoteLinc Button 6' is not switched Off

       Set 'Curtain ApplianceLinc' On
       Set Scene 'Theater Lights' Off
       Wait 10 Seconds
       Set 'Curtain ApplianceLinc' Off

       Set 'Curtain ApplianceLinc' On
       Set Scene 'Theater Lights' On
       Wait 10 Seconds
       Set 'Curtain ApplianceLinc' Off


Then you'll press RemoteLinc Button 6 ON to start the show and Button 6 OFF when finished to open the curtains and turn the lights back on.

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