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Lights on at Sunset off 30 Minutes later


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I'm not an expert here but here is what will work if you want the lights to go on at sunset then off after 30 minues


If time is sunset




Set 'whatever you want' on

wait 30 minutes

Set 'whatever you want' off





this should work if I understand what you are trying to do

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There are no experts here :) We are all new to this ISY. Maybe some more experienced :roll:


AnthemAVM, I believe what you are thinking is

       From    Sunset 
       For      30 minutes 

       Set 'Backyard' On

       Set 'Backyard' Off


Which would work, but it will be turning off the Backyard any time you are outside of the 30 minute window. We don't want that, do we?


If you know you will only ever want it on for 30 minutes at a time the Wait example from gfrnd is the way to go.


For lights I would use two programs.


Backyard On

       Time is Sunset 

       Set 'Backyard' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Backyard Off

       Time is Sunset  + 30 minutes

       Set 'Backyard' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Then if you need to modify either the On or Off time it will not affect the other.




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Which would work, but it will be turning off the Backyard any time you are outside of the 30 minute window. We don't want that, do we?


Hey Rand -


That's what I had thought too, but it's not the case.


I run the following code for my front door lights:


       From    Sunset  + 20 minutes
       To       9:30:00PM (same day)

       Set Scene 'FrontDoor' On

       Set Scene 'FrontDoor' Off



I can turn them on any time of the day, and they will stay on.


I believe the conditions are evaluated only twice (at the start time, and at the end time) - not continuously.

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You are absolutely right, when entering a time range that time range becomes True, when leaving a time range it becomes False. Entering and leaving a time range are events that cause the program to run (either Then or Else path depending on all the If conditions).


Check out this post if you want to keep something on (or off) during a time range:



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