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Using 2 ISY's problems with one.


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I just installed two ISY's one at primary residence and one at summer home. The primary ISY (Home) works great using a simple programme but the summer home ISY is annoying me I have to login to turn lights on/off. There is a QueryAll in both ISY's that are different would this be the reason the summer ISY is not working properly.


I have screenshots that I could upload if thats possible.[/img]




What is difference in the QueryAll Programs?.


What is the symptom at the vacation home? Programs don't run, devices not reacting, etc?

What Insteon devices are installed?

Did the Access Points show the correct LED result for proper phase coupling?


What ISY firmware level is installed?




This was received last week and installed over the weekend


2 12232DB ISY-99i/IR INSTEON Compatible Automation Controller with Dual-Band PLM and IR Control


2 2477D SwitchLinc Dimmer - INSTEON Remote Control Dimmer (Dual-Band), White


2 2457D2 LampLinc - INSTEON Plug-In Lamp Dimmer Module (Dual-Band), 2-Pin


2 2476S SwitchLinc Relay - INSTEON Remote Control On/Off Switch (Non-Dimming),


2 2473SWH OutletLinc Relay - INSTEON Remote Control On/Off Outlet (Non-Dimming),


Does the QueryAll have a function?

My Home ISY works great.


The Summer House QueryAll is different from the Home QueryAll.


Note: The “Then†is “Set “Not Specified†Should the Summer QueryAll be “Not Specified†and if so how do you do this.


I have to login to the summer home SY to operate the lights.




The QueryAll Program on my system looks like the following ....



Time is 3:00:00AM


Set Scene 'My Lighting' Query


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I have no explanation for the Not Specified. This Program is a backup if the powerline has issues. I have disabled this Program on my system as I want to know if a powerline problem has surfaced.


Assuming the Program is enabled the effect is to Query all the installed devices at 3 AM. In case any device status change was not received by the ISY/PLM the Query will bring the Current State information in sync with actual device status.


Were any of the Dual Band devices verified to be on opposite phases?


"I have to login to the summer home SY to operate the lights."


Meaning some other means of operating the lights are not working? What other method is not working and is there some symptom, message, etc besides the device(s) not reacting?. Do any of the nodes under the My Lighting tree have a Red ! to the left of the node entry?




None of the setup was copied from one ISY to the other.


I arrived at the summer home last night and performed the following.


I changed the QueryAll as suggested which is now the same as home ISY so this works correctly. I then followed the instructions in the PLM for phase bridgeing and the two dual band dimmers showed a solid white light so I continued to step 4.


I then setup 3 simple Programs:


Program 1 using both dual band dimmers.

Program 2 using both outletlinc.

Program 3 using both on/off switch.


All with different start/stop conditions and the result was Program 1 didn't start Program 2 & 3 worked according to the program. I eventually started Program 1 by clicking on "start then" which ran until I clicked on "start if" to turn off.


I don't have any red ! shown beside any devices or error messages. I am having an electrician install a dedicated outlet today for the PLM to see if this helps.


I'm guessing you are having communication issues.


I doubt the querry all is the issue. The "not specified" is what happens when a program is set to control a device or scene and then the device or scene is deleted. A querry all command is not necessary for ISY to run properly. It is just sort of a clean up that ensures ISY has the correct status of everything at least once per day.


Are you getting any failure to communicate warnings?


You have all dual band stuff, are the switches within rf range of the plm?


Also sometimes if you try sending too many Insteon commands all at once I have found that things get missed. I assume that this is from too much traffic on the power lines. I don't know how that relates to the daul band stuff. Anyway, try having the programs run a second or two apart instead of all at once. However, I have only found this to be a problem when sending far far more commands than you are.


Since it worked when you manually did the run then command, I suspect you either have an if statement error, or you are getting insteon traffic overload issues. With only a few devices, however, I am leaning more towards an if statement error.

All with different start/stop conditions and the result was Scene 1 didn't start Scene 2 & 3 worked according to the program. I eventually started Scene 1 by clicking on "start then" which ran until I clicked on "start if" to turn off.


Perhaps I am the only one, but I am a little confused by your terminology. Scenes and programs are different. Scenes are created at the device list and have no "if" or "then" conditions...only controllers and responders. Scenes do not require presence of the ISY to operate correctly. On the other hand, programs have "if", "then", and "else" statements.


Having said this, are you having trouble with a program failing to operate as expected, or with scenes not responding to one of the controller devices? It is starting to sound as if you have a program that is giving you trouble. If so, do you mind posting it. I am with apostolakisl here: I am now suspecting a program error.


You're right I meant 'Program' not 'Scene' and nothing has changed after putting the ISY and PLM on a dedicated circuit and confirmed that phasing is established. The three programs have different start/stop times no warnings no error messages no red flags.


Here is the failed program.


Program Content for 'FrontDoors'



From Sunset + 1 hour

To Sunrise -1 hour (same day)



Set Scene "FrontSconces" On



Set Scene "FrontSconces" Off

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