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Ipad alternative


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One of the things I was looking forward to with my new ISY-99i was using my iPad 2 as an automation controller. But when I saw the price tag of Mobilinc HD of $50, I almost choked. The most I have ever spent on an iPad app was $17 and I thought that was outrageous. Is there no reasonable priced iPad alternative?


Without making a judgement about the pricing of Mobilinc HD or any other iPhone OS app:


It's probably possible to run the lower-priced Mobilinc Pro on your Ipad 2. It wouldn't take advantage of the larger screen real estate of the iPad 2 but it might serve your needs. You should probably seek out an authoritative answer to this though (i.e. post this question in the Mobilinc forum here, or see if someone who's done this will chime in).


I have both Mobilinc Pro and AtHome on my iPhone and both work well, although note that their UIs are somewhat different; you may find yourself preferring one over the other.



  • 2 months later...

I have been using Mobilinc Pro on both my Touch and my ipad to control my Insteon lighting in the house. It works very well although it definitely does not take advantage of the larger screen real estate afforded by the ipad.

It is very easy to use to dim or turn lights off or on but it does not seem to allow any programming.

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