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MobiLinc Pro v3 Quirk


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iTunes just updated me to Version 3.0 and the interface enhancements look nice.


The only thing is that my Garage Door scene seems to be working "backwards": I have an IOLinc controlling the opener and detecting door position via a magnetic switch tied to two KeypadLinc buttons in the house. When the sensor is "off", the door is closed and the KeypadLinc switch lights are off. When the door is open, the KeypadLinc lights are on and IOLinc sensor is "on". (Pushing either KeypadLinc button activates the opener).


In MobiLinc Scene View, it shows the KeypadLincs "off" and the IPLinc Sensor "off", but shows the status as "on". I also noticed the little garage door icon shows the door open when "off" and closed when "on" which also seems backwards.


MobiLinc didn't behave this way prior to the update, so I thought I'd report it here.






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Hi Mike,


In the screenshot "Garage Door Sensor" is a Scene, correct? The scene is ON if all the devices in the scene are at their defined "ON" levels as specified for that scene in the ISY through the Java Admin Console. So, I'm guessing that for this scene you've defined that all devices in this scene should be OFF when you activate the scene. In this case MobiLinc sees that all devices are indeed OFF and reports the scene as ON or Activated.


Depending on feedback we may release an update that will allow the user to specify what position the garage door should be in when the sensor is reporting ON or OFF. We took the common approach, but may not work for everyone.



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Hi Wes,


I set it up based on a recommendation from these forums as follows:


I control/monitor the garage door from two locations in the house. The two KeypadLincs are set up so the garage door button is in Non-Toggle (ON) mode. Each press of the button activates the relay part of the IOLinc, which is set to Momentary - A mode. This activates the opener just like pressing the button in the garage. If the door is open, it will close and if closed it will open.


The KeypadLinc LEDs act as a "responder" to the sensor part of the IOLinc. When the door opens, the IOLinc sends an "ON" which turns the garage door button LED "ON" to tell me the door is open. When the door closes, the IOLinc sensor sends an "OFF" to turn the LED off. This way, the button LED corresponds to the door position regardless of how the door itself is activated (i.e. from a KeypadLinc key press, the car, the opener's own button in the garage, or by hand for that matter).


I could reverse the logic so that MobiLinc looks "right", but then the KeypadLinc button LEDs would be ON when the door is closed and OFF when the door is open, and that doesn't seem intuitive.


I thought the previous version of MobiLinc reported my garage scene as OFF when the door was closed, so an option to toggle for users who have set their garage doors up like me would be great.


Other than this, the product has worked flawlessly for me and I appreciate your quick response to my inquiry.



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Hi Mark,


Please see this post for a discussion I just started on scene status and MobiLinc:http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=6543&p=49773#p49773


I see that in your scene there are only KPL buttons. Are they all sub buttons or is one of those the main load button?



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Hi Wes,


The KPL button that works my garage door is what you refer to as a sub button, not the one that can directly control a load. It is set to non-toggle(On) mode so that it sends an Insteon "ON" command every time it is pressed.



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Hi Wes,


There are actually two scenes to control the garage door as follows:


I utilize one button on each KPL (one by the front door and the other in the bedroom). The KPL buttons are set to "Non-Toggle [ON]" mode.


The IOLinc Relay is set to "Momentary A"


Scene "Garage Door Relay" has the IOLinc as a "Responder" to the KPL buttons.


Scene "Garage Door Sensor" has the KPL buttons as "Responders" to the IOLinc Sensor.


A button push triggers the opener, and an IOLinc sensor "ON" or "OFF" turns the KPL button LED on or off.


Hope this helps...



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Hi Mike,


Thank you very much for the details. I believe the issue is with MobiLinc ignoring status only devices. So with scenes that only have status only devices then the scene status doesn't report anything but OFF since MobiLinc thinks that the scene can't be turned ON. The exception is with KPLs. The ISY is capable of changing the KPL status through a scene, but not through direct device control like the SwitchLinc or similar. We'll take a look at how to address these status only device scenes for the best path forward.




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