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Can't Log in via HTTPS

C Martin

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I can't log into my ISY via HTTPS with Mobilinc Pro

I am able to log in via Local HTTP.

I am also able to log in via a web browser using https and via Conductor (Competing product), so I know that my HTTPS configuration is valid for my ISY.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Hi Clarance,


This is a known issue with the 3.00.00 version. We've submitted an update to Apple today that fixes this issue as well as the reported performance problems some are experiencing. Apple typically takes about a week to approve updates.


I apologize for the inconvenience.



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Hi Clarence,


Would it be possible for us to attempt to log into your ISY with our development version of MobiLinc on Android to see what's going on?


If you wouldn't mind, we'd appreciate the help is debugging this. If you are able and willing, please send your connection information to wes@mobileintegratedsolutions.com and we'll attempt to connect and see what's going on.




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I am posting this as a precaution to others, as per my last email to you.

My connection problem was due to an error in posting my IP address in the setup page.

For some reason, I added a space in the IP address making the IP address invalid.

I noticed this once before and had to correct it. As I typed in the IP address, the IP address seemed to be correct but after the screen refreshed, I noticed my IP address had a space in it. This can be hard to see because the space is placed after the period and before the next number.

It was probably my input error, but can you please test this and see if this is some kind of erratic anomaly in the program?


Thanks, and sorry if I caused some kind of panic,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was having the same issue. I have a motorola droid 3. I had also somehow gotten a space in the ip address for my external IP (I have a uverse gateway - 2 wire 3801HGV.) I think it was the smartkeyboard adding spaces after the "."


I had read in some other articles that I should not use the default port of 443 for the external IP HTTPS access due to port scanners etc.

I setup a pinhole in the Uverse router that takes a port address request of 35000 and routes it to the HTTPS port 443 on the ISY device as defined in the ISY setup.

The Mobilinc HTTPS setting has to be setup to point to the Uverse router external address and the secure port has to be set to 33500.


Secure - https:// is set to Uverse external IP address.

Secure Port is set to 33500

The Uverse router takes the incoming external ip request with the port request of 35000 and sends it on to the ISY via the pin hole I established and this works just fine.

The ISY is setup as follows:

Automatic DHCP, but with a fixed address from the Uverse router.

HTTP port is 80.

HTTPS port is 443

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I am also unable to get HTTPS working with my DroidX and MobileLinc Pro. I am using my domain name address that I have registered through dnsalias. There are no spaces in my address.


(EDIT) I have not been able to verify that traffic is getting to my ISY through my SSL port. It may not be a MobileLinc issue.

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  • 1 month later...

I am having the same problem since upgrading to Mobilinc 3.02. I have updated the ISY to 3.1.6, and I know HTTPS traffic is getting through because I can get to the ISY admin console over HTTPS. I run a non standard port for HTTPS, but I've also tried switching the public port to 443 but get the same error. (Connection error, there was a problem connecting, please verify connection settings.)

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Hi Ben-Smith,


Usually the connection error are due to a configuration problem between the iPhone and the ISY. Would you mind sharing your settings?


MobiLinc Pro:

- Secure IP:

- Secure Port:

- Connect Method:



- IP Address:

- SSL Port:


As a basic test please set the MobiLinc Secure IP to the ISY IP Address and the MobiLinc Secure Port to the SSL Port of the ISY and attempt the connection. Does that work? If not, can you get to your ISY through Safari on your iPhone using HTTPS?


If the issue is getting into the ISY from outside of your network then we'll need to dig into the port forwarding settings in your router to get the traffic forwarded correctly to inside your LAN to your ISY.



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I don't put anything in for local HTTP or local port because this is at a second home, so I just put in my dyndns host name and the remote SSL port. HTTPS is the connect method but it usually did fine with it at auto as well.


Interesting, on my PC I can get to https://xxxx.dyndns.org:port# and get the ISY webpage (after giving the OK to the certificate mismatch warning as usual). But I cannot hit the same exact URL in Safari on the iPhone...


Hi Ben-Smith,


Usually the connection error are due to a configuration problem between the iPhone and the ISY. Would you mind sharing your settings?


MobiLinc Pro:

- Secure IP:

- Secure Port:

- Connect Method:



- IP Address:

- SSL Port:


As a basic test please set the MobiLinc Secure IP to the ISY IP Address and the MobiLinc Secure Port to the SSL Port of the ISY and attempt the connection. Does that work? If not, can you get to your ISY through Safari on your iPhone using HTTPS?


If the issue is getting into the ISY from outside of your network then we'll need to dig into the port forwarding settings in your router to get the traffic forwarded correctly to inside your LAN to your ISY.



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That is odd. Just to rule out the obvious, can you connect to any website like google.com over Safari on you iPhone? I'd try rebooting the phone and double-checking that it is connecting to your Wi-Fi hot spot.


Also, if you know the IP address instead of the DynDNS address, try that as well to see if the iPhone is having a hard time resolving the DNS entry.



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Well, it seems to be working now. All I did differently was turn on the WiFi on the iPhone, and it was able to connect and sync. Now WiFi is off and internet access is back to Verizon 3g, and it is still working, and I can do a 'Download All' sync from ISY without issue.


Strange - it's like something on the Verizon network was blocking comms to the URL, at least temporarily... Oh well!

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