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ramp rate


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A little more information would be helpful.


Each ISY Scene has the ISY PLM as a Controller and any other device that has been assigned as a Controller of the Scene. If the Ramp Rate is a problem when the Scene is turned On by an ISY Program or the Admin Console, select the Scene name in the My Lighting tree. The Responders will be listed in the right pane with the current On Levels and Ramp Rates.


If it is the Ramp Rate when a Controller button/paddle is used, click on the Red Controller name under the Scene name. The On Level and Ramp Rates that are in effect for that Controller are listed in the right pane. The responders have different On Level and Ramp Rate values for each Controller.

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The device control through the Admin Console using Direct commands (not Scenes) is controlled by the Local On Level and Local Ramp Rate. These are different than any Scene based On Level and Ramp Rate. Select the specific device in the My Lighting tree and set the On Level (Applied Locally) and Ramp Rate (Applied Locally) fields to the desired values. Some devices require a power cycle after the new values are written to the device before they actually take effect.


EDIT: note that some devices have been redesigned such that the maximum ramp rate becomes the fastest Ramp Rate. Try setting something slightly slower than the maximum 9 minute Ramp Rate.


EDIT2: note that Scene On Level and Ramp Rate values DO NOT require a device power cycle. It is only the Local values that may not take effect until a power cycle.

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