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Best place to purchase ELK


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The wife wants an alarm system and I already have an ISY99 and one day it will be more fully intergated with the ELK alarm system, so I though I may as well puuchase an ELK. But first I have a few questions.


1) What model should I get for general windows and doors?


2) Where is the best place to purcahce the ELK, price and support?


Let me know too as I need to get one to replace my 30 year old system. I think a base model needed is the ELK M1SYS4S and online prices vary from around $490 at Surveillent to $690 at SmartHome. I think the best support would be with with the ELK M1 forum at http://m1dealer.elkproducts.com


In order to connect to your ISY you'll also need to buy a ELK-M1XEP ethernet connector that runs about $215.


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