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Best way to dedicate "on" and "off" group buttons


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I want to program my "A" keypad to all lights on, and "B" keypad to all lights off. Can I do this with a scene on the ISY? Right now "A" acts as a toggle and can't get it to turn "on" only.


Or can this only be done in a program?





What does the Admin Console show for v.xx of the KeypadLinc?


What does the prompt popup say when trying to set non-toggle On mode?




Hi LeeG-

I've got two keypads as controllers for the room, one is v.39 and another v.36 (funny, both ordered at the same time).


AHAA! Thank you, there it is under "buttons toggle mode". That should do it!



Follow- up question:


I have a 6-button keypad. The buttons labeled "on" and "off" seem hardwired to the load of the switch, whereas a,b,c,d are programmable. Can I re-program the "on" and "off" to another function, and use "a" and "b" to turn the load on and off?




The local load control function cannot be redirected to other buttons. Other buttons can also control the local load but ON/OFF and Main-A cannot be changed to not control the local load.


Main-A is the upper left button of an 8 button KeypadLinc. It is the dedicated button that controls the local load. Secondary buttons of an 8 button KeypadLinc are labeled B-H. Main-A has had various labels over time. Looks like Main On/Off is the label on my latest 8 button KeypadLincs. It is the primary KeypadLinc node in the My Lighting tree.


ON/OFF buttons of a 6 button KeypadLinc are the functional equivalent to Main On/Off of an 8 button KeypadLinc. Secondary buttons of a 6 button KeypadLinc are labeled A-D. Both the ON and OFF buttons are represented by the single primary KeypadLinc node in the My Lighting tree. Even though OFF is a separate button the Off Status/Control in a Program is received by the primary KeypadLinc node.


Sorry for the delay in posting back. Forum is back to its old habits of not letting folks login.


So is this okay? I have two 6-button keypads on either side of the bathroom. I want the "a" button to turn lights on, and "b" to turn lights off. I set each to toggle-on and toggle-off respectively. It works, but strangely-- both "a" and "b" keypad lights stay on at the same time, until I hit "b" then all keypad lights turn off as well as all load lights.




Describe the Scene definition. It sounds like Secondary buttons A and B have been assigned as Controllers of the same Scene. This means that when button A is pressed it blinks and stays On because it is in non-toggle On mode and Secondary button B turns On because the command from the A button is On. When button B is pressed it blinks and stays Off because it is in non-toggle Off mode and turns Secondary button A off because the command from button B if Off.


With multiple KeypadLincs involved it will be necessary to manage the Secondary button LEDs with an ISY Program and a Scene that has both Secondary B buttons as Responders of the Scene. The Program is triggered by a Secondary button A press from either KeypadLinc which turns the Scene Off to turn Off button B LEDs Off. KeypadLinc Secondary button LEDs do not the flexibility other devices have where a Scene On can turn a device Off. Also Secondary KeypadLinc buttons cannot be controlled with Direct commands. Thus the need for the buttons to be Responders of a Scene.


Could have two Scenes, one for A buttons and one for B buttons such that the buttons are not cross-linked.


Are you sure it is really than important to have both the ON/OFF buttons and the A/B buttons control the loads?



Thanks. I think two scenes are probably the easiest scenario. The main on/off buttons only control the one load they are attached to, but we want to turn on/off all 6 load lights simultaneously. If we use the on/off buttons to scene control everything, then we can't individually control the load light for the on/off buttons.


Or we could just use the scene as I currently have it, and ignore the funny keypad light behavior, because it seems to work--!


Or we could just use the scene as I currently have it, and ignore the funny keypad light behavior, because it seems to wor


I forget which devices allow this capability, but it may be worth an experiment. Before you create two scenes, select the "A" button from your current, single scene. When selected, you should see all devices in the scene to the right, with "on" levels. Can you set the on level for button B as "off"? If you can do this, then turning on button A will turn off button B.

But when I change on level to 0, how do I save it? It loses the setting as soon as I leave that device.


I don't believe there is anything necessary to save scene settings. I fear that the device failure to stay on zero to be an indication that this is one of the devices that cannot have zero for the "on" level. Ugh.


I hesitate to mention this option, because I really don't know how a device will react with two, potentially conflicting, commands. But you may be up for it, so here goes:


Try a mutually exclusive relationship between buttons A and B. I understand that, in such a relationship, only one button may be on at any given time (though both may be off). The potential problem that I see is how button B will react when you press button A...does it turn off (mutually exclusive relationship), does it turn on (as commanded by being part of a scene) or does it just go nuts trying to make up its mind from conflicting guidance.


Perhaps two scenes will end up being your best bet.


Regarding setting the Responder On Level to 0% so that an On command turns a device to an On Level of 0% which effectively turns it Off, It does not work on Secondary KeypadLinc buttons. Some day they may update the KeypadLinc firmware to support that characteristic but for now an Off command is needed to turn a KeypadLinc Secondary button LED Off.


Regarding the slider not staying at the new location there have some reports of Java slider not reacting as expected. A work around that seems to work is to move the slider to a mid point in the range. Assuming Java notifies the Admin Console of the slider change an update will be written to the device as evidenced by a progress bar. On 3.1.9 the Admin Console displays a popup message for a KeypadLinc Secondary button because it knows a Secondary KeypadLinc button cannot be dimmed. When the update is complete move the slider to 0% keeping the cursor within the bounds of the slider. Again there should be a progress bar indicating the Admin Console was notified of the slider change and reacted to it. Also, again a Secondary KeypadLinc button can be set to a 0% On Level but the KeypadLinc will still turn the KeypadLinc button LED On with an On command even though the Responder On Level is set to 0%..


Mutually Exclusive button definitions are established with the Button Grouping option button. The problem with that approach is the definition only applies to buttons pressed on that KeypadLinc. KeypadLinc buttons that are reacting as Responders in a Scene do not honor the Mutually Exclusive definition. If used the buttons on the KeypadLinc where the button is physically pressed will not match the button LEDs on linked KeypadLincs. Just another of the oddities of the KeypadLinc. An ISY Program must be used to establish the visual aspects of Mutually Exclusive buttons on Responder KeypadLincs.


Note: having two Controllers in the Scene does not automatically establish a Mutually Exclusive (Button Grouping) relationship.

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