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Getting Correct IOLinc Relay State Info


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Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with LEVEL 3. Cycle the garage door open/closed 3-4 times and post the event log.


It sounds like there is unreliable comm between the I/O Linc location and the PLM.


I wrote my program for the Garage Door like this:


Status 'Garage Door-Sensor' is On


Wait 5 seconds

Set Scene 'Garage Door Relay' Off

Set 'Garage Door-Sensor' Query


Wait 5 seconds

Set Scene 'Garage Door Relay' Off

Set 'Garage Door-Sensor' Query


So pretty much I want the Garage Door Relay button back to OFF when Garage Door-Sensor is ON or OFF by using the ELSE and THEN to do the same thing and Query to Update the Sensor Status.


The Sensor is ON when Closed. So when I click to Open the Garage Door. The Relay will set back to OFF and the Sensor will show OFF(Open). Which that didn't happen.

But when I close the Garage Door. The Query did happen and Sensor was at the correct state.


When I pull down the MobiLinc App to refresh, I always get the 4 "Open failed for [/CONF/...................]" line. See below


Here is my Event Viewer Log:


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:26 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/INTEGER.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:26 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/STATE.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:26 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELECMTR.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:26 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELEC.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:31 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1F 50 EC 0F 11 02


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:31 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1F.50.EC 0F 11 02 06 LTONRR (02)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:31 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 1F.21.7F 27 11 02 LTONRR (02)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:31 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 1F.50.EC-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:31 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 2] ST 255


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 00.00.01 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [std-Group ] 1F.50.EC-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 1] DON 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [ 1F D3 4C 6] ST 255


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [ 1F D2 5D 6] ST 255


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [ 1F 12 5 6] ST 255


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 11.00.01 C7 06 00 (00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:29:32 PM : [std-Group ] 1F.50.EC-->11.00.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:30:42 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/INTEGER.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:30:42 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/STATE.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:30:42 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELECMTR.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:30:42 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELEC.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 00.00.01 C7 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [std-Group ] 1F.50.EC-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 1] DOF 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [ 1F D3 4C 6] ST 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [ 1F D2 5D 6] ST 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [ 1F 12 5 6] ST 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 1] ST 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 13.00.01 C7 06 00 (00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:11 PM : [std-Group ] 1F.50.EC-->13.00.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:16 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 13 CF 13 00


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:16 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1F 50 EC 0F 19 01


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:16 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.13 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:16 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1F.50.EC 0F 19 01 06 LTSREQ (01)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 1F.21.7F 27 1D 01 (01)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 1F.50.EC-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1F 50 EC 0F 19 00


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1F.50.EC 0F 19 00 06 LTSREQ (LIGHT)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 1F.21.7F 27 1D 00 (00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 1F.50.EC-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 2] ST 0


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:17 PM : [ 1F 50 EC 1] ST 255


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:20 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/INTEGER.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:20 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/STATE.VAR] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:20 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELECMTR.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:20 PM : [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/ELEC.CFG] ®


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:22 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 13 CF 13 00


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:22 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1F 50 EC 0F 19 01


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:22 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.13 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:23 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1F.50.EC 0F 19 01 06 LTSREQ (01)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:23 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 1F.21.7F 27 1D 01 (01)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:23 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 1F.50.EC-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:23 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1F 50 EC 0F 19 00


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:23 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1F.50.EC 0F 19 00 06 LTSREQ (LIGHT)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:24 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1F.50.EC 1F.21.7F 27 1D 00 (00)


Fri 01/25/2013 07:37:24 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 1F.50.EC-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

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Regarding two of the messages about files not found when the MobiLinc is refreshed, the MobiLinc is trying to access ISY variables. Define a State and Integer Variable so that there will be files for each. Does not matter what the variable names are or what their content is.


Not sure how to eliminate the two electric related file messages.

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Click the I/O Linc Sensor node in the My Lighting/ISY Lighting tree. Click the Set Options button. Click the Query button on the Set Options display. Is the Trigger Reverse option checked or unchecked?


The Trigger Reverse option is checked.


I noticed that when Trigger Reverse option is checked, the KPL button lit and un-lit is correct. But when I unchecked Trigger Reverse, then KPL is reverse the sensor status.

However, when Trigger Reverse is checked, the Sensor status doesn't auto update. But when unchecked, the Sensor is correct when door is closed and opened.

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Regarding two of the messages about files not found when the MobiLinc is refreshed, the MobiLinc is trying to access ISY variables. Define a State and Integer Variable so that there will be files for each. Does not matter what the variable names are or what their content is.


Not sure how to eliminate the two electric related file messages.


I don't know how to do that yet. Is it bad to just leave it like that for now?

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The file messages are not causing a problem.


The Trigger Reverse option is causing the confusion.


Normally when the I/O Linc Sensor physically turns On in the I/O Linc (Green LED On) the I/O Linc Sensor node sends an On command and the ISY will mark the Sensor node in the Admin Console On. When the I/O Linc Sensor physically turns Off in the I/O Linc (Green LED Off) the I/O Linc Sensor node sends an Off command and the ISY will mark the Sensor node in the Admin Console Off.


When the Trigger Reverse option is checked the commands sent are reversed. W hen the I/O Linc Sensor physically turns On in the I/O Linc (Green LED On) the I/O Linc Sensor node sends an Off command and the ISY will mark the Sensor node in the Admin Console Off. When the I/O Linc Sensor physically turns Off in the I/O Linc (Green LED Off) the I/O Linc Sensor node sends an On command and the ISY will mark the Sensor node in the Admin Console On. The commands sent are the reverse of the Sensor state.


The conflict comes when Query is issued. Query returns the true state of the I/O Linc Sensor, not the Trigger Reversed command reversed state. With Trigger Reverse checked the I/O Linc Sensor node sends an Off command when the I/O Linc Sensor physically turned On (Green LED On) marking the Sensor node Off. When the Query is issued the Query returns an I/O Linc Sensor node On which is the current physical state of the I/O Linc Sensor not the command reversed state. Even though the door did not move and the I/O Linc Sensor did not actually change state the Sensor node state is changed to reflect the Query response.


When Trigger Reverse is checked Query cannot be used. Physical comm. with the I/O Linc looks stable so there is no need for the Query.

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"I noticed that when Trigger Reverse option is checked, the KPL button lit and un-lit is correct. But when I unchecked Trigger Reverse, then KPL is reverse the sensor status."


How is the I/O Linc Sensor controlling the KPL button? The Sensor is used as a Controller of a Scene with the KPL button as a Responder OR a Program is checking the Status of the Sensor node and setting the KPL button LED based on how the Status is set?


Comm with the I/O Linc is okay based on the event trace so if things are not tracking as desired it is associated with how things are configured/programmed, not comm issues.

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"I noticed that when Trigger Reverse option is checked, the KPL button lit and un-lit is correct. But when I unchecked Trigger Reverse, then KPL is reverse the sensor status."


How is the I/O Linc Sensor controlling the KPL button? The Sensor is used as a Controller of a Scene with the KPL button as a Responder OR a Program is checking the Status of the Sensor node and setting the KPL button LED based on how the Status is set?


Comm with the I/O Linc is okay based on the event trace so if things are not tracking as desired it is associated with how things are configured/programmed, not comm issues.


My garage door was opened, and closed at least 100 times this weekend :D I think I got it figure out. The Garage Relay and all the KPL buttons and the Garage Door Opener is working correctly. The status on the KPL is also showing up the Reverse Status as of the Garage Sensor(which is great). Door Sensor is on when Garage is closed. So KPL is un-lit.

So here is what I did:

The Garage Door I/OLinc is on Momentary A with Trigger Reverse checked and LED on TX checked. Everything else uncheck.

Then I created 2 scenes for Garage Door(Garage Door Relay and Garage Door Sensor)

Garage Door Relay contains all my KPL buttons to control it as Controller and Garage Door-Relay as Responder

Garage Door Sensor contains all KPL buttons as Responder and Garage Door-Sensor as Controller

Then I wrote a program called Garage Operations:


Status of KPL button is ON


Wait 10 seconds

Set Garage Door-Relay OFF

Set Garage Door-Sensor Query


Wait 10 seconds

Set Garage Door-Relay OFF

Set Garage Door-Sensor Query


The reason the THEN and ELSE statements are the same. Because the Sensor doesn't auto updated when I opened/closed the door. And the Relay button only work when it is in the OFF position. So I reset it to OFF everytime I opened/closed the door. So it can be ready to open/close again.


I am looking to add motorized drapery or motorized shade to my home theater room. Do you guys know anything I should be looking for to make it work with Insteon/ISY setup?


LeeG, oberkc and everyone else. Thanks again for the all the helps.


Thank you,


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  • 5 months later...
Hi KL,


Since this post I've changed how my personal setup operates. I've got a KPL button in the house that I use to tell if the garage is open or closed. If open the light is ON if closed the light is OFF. If I tap the button, the garage door opens or closes.


This is done with one program and one scene.


The scene is called "Garage Door" and contains the KPL button and IOLinc controller. The KPL Button is the controller of the scene. the IOLinc Controller is set to Momentary C mode.


The program definition is:

If Status Sensor is ON

Then Set Scene Garage Door OFF

Else Set Scene Garage Door ON


In MobiLinc you can then use the Garage Door scene as the garage door controller. Status of the scene reflect the door status. Tapping the scene will open or close the garage door.




I have everything working perfectly with a kpl button and iolinc. I do not need the above program because I have the magnetic switch that has both NO & NC, so the scene state is correct. Here is how I have it configured:

  1. [*:35q5y8gq] KPL.D set to non-toggle on mode
    [*:35q5y8gq] IOLinc is in Momentary A, (Triggered by either on or off)
    [*:35q5y8gq] GarageDoor Scene

    1. [*:35q5y8gq] IOLinc Relay is a responder
      [*:35q5y8gq] IOLinc Sensor is a responder & controller
      [*:35q5y8gq] KPL.D is a responder & controller


This works perfectly. Pressing the KPL.D opens & closes the door, the KPL.D LED is always correctly on or off, opening or closing the door with the opener wall switch or by hand shows the correct scene status.


But, Mobilinc scene toggling does not work correctly since I can not tell it to only send the on command.


I'm going to do some research and see if I can figure out the best way, but if anyone has a quick suggestion let me know.




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Thanks for the tip on clearing the commands, I didn't know about that!


But, that doesn't work... I cleared all of them but the on command.


  • [*:6jmy3wpt] Door is closed, scene is off.
    [*:6jmy3wpt] Toggle scene. Door opens, scene is on
    [*:6jmy3wpt] Toggle scene 5 times, door doesn't move, scene toggles off/on each time (both in mobilinc and on KPL.D)
    [*:6jmy3wpt] scene is off, finally on the 6th toggle scene the door moves, scene changes to on, when door closes, scene changes to off


In case it matters, I'm running the Android app.


BTW, do you have it on your enhancement list to sync all mobilinc settings across devices? Like custom icons, state names, cleared scene commands like above, ... ? It tedious to keep my 2 tables and phone all setup the same way.




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"IOLinc is in Momentary A, (Triggered by either on or off)"


Don't know if it matters with your specifics but the above statement is not correct for Momentary A mode. Momentary mode A will react to either an On command only or an Off command only, but not both.


Momentary B mode reacts to both On and Off commands.

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LeeG is correct. You might want to only use the Admin Console and scene commands first to focus on the setup first to get it working as intended. Then add in MobiLinc once you are comfortable with how your setup is operating.


We're looking at iOS iCloud support for automatically syncing changes between iOS devices. There is no easy equivalent for Android or cross platform syncing planned.


Currently on MobiLinc/iOS devices you can wholesale copy settings from one MobiLinc/iOS device to another iOS device to propagate changes between iOS devices.



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"IOLinc is in Momentary A, (Triggered by either on or off)"


Don't know if it matters with your specifics but the above statement is not correct for Momentary A mode. Momentary mode A will react to either an On command only or an Off command only, but not both.


Momentary B mode reacts to both On and Off commands.


The "Triggered by either on or off" came directly from the "Device Options" description of momentary A.


LeeG is correct. You might want to only use the Admin Console and scene commands first to focus on the setup first to get it working as intended. Then add in MobiLinc once you are comfortable with how your setup is operating.

I had the console, scene and kpl button all working perfectly. Anyway, after your mobilinc suggestion, I then changed it to Momentary B and I think everything is working perfectly now. Not sure why I thought Momentary A was not working for the KPL...


We're looking at iOS iCloud support for automatically syncing changes between iOS devices. There is no easy equivalent for Android or cross platform syncing planned.


Currently on MobiLinc/iOS devices you can wholesale copy settings from one MobiLinc/iOS device to another iOS device to propagate changes between iOS devices.


Ok, I assumed you could support this on your servers for those that have subscriptions :-)


Thanks to you both for the replies.


Now I just have to wait for a new starting capacitor to be delivered for the other door that I burned up because I accidentally left the relay in continuous mode :-(

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Hi Jim,


Ok, I assumed you could support this on your servers for those that have subscriptions


Yes, this is something that is technically possible to implement, however, would be quite a bit of work to fully realize a solution like this. This may be something we tackle someday, but for now we're targeting other higher-priority features.



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Have to read the entire description of Momentary A mode. From the User Guide...


Momentary A

Either an ON or OFF command can be programmed to trigger the I/O Linc relay. The other command will be ignored. For example, if an ON command is programmed to trigger the relay, an OFF command will be ignored.

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