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ISY-99i problem.


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While my problem sounds similar to others posted here it is not quite the same so lets see if anyone has an idea what I need to do.


My system has been up and running for about 6 months but I have not been on the computer for over two months messing with things so this problem may not be that recent. I have a bit over 50 devices being controlled, pretty good mix of everything and aside from two devices that seem to have failed everything is working fine.


I replaced one of the faulty devices and added a couple new ones to my house and when trying to register them I noticed that I have no status or current state showing on my UD Admin Console. Also when I register the new Insteon device (or set up a new scene) it does not seem to go through the same linking process and does not show up in the list, until I exit the program and re-log in, where it now shows up and works fine.


I can control all devices from the admin, programs are all running fine and can be changed, new scenes are working fine, just no feedback on the console.


Any ideas? BTW it was working fine a few months ago and there have not been any significant changes to the household wiring, systems or electronics in that period.


Thanks for any help.

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When the device state is not displayed in the Current State column of the Admin Console this is normally the result of data being pushed from the ISY to the Admin Console being blocked by the router/firewall/AV. Sounds like something in this area has changed. As one example, Avast most recent update blocks the status updates being pushed from the ISY to the Admin Console. There are posts on the forum as to how resolve.


Could be the ISY IP address changed using DHCP so the ISY IP address is no longer Trusted.



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