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failed getting engine version reverting to i1 message


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I keep trying to install new insteon deviced through the isy99i and getting a message "failed getting engine version reverting to i1. I can make all my X10 devices work. Just can't detect the new Insteon. I am entering the address in the add new device menu.


What model Insteon module?

What revision firmware is in your ISY99i?

You are using the Auto Detect Choice?

Do you have two Dual Band devices bridging the power line phases and verified in their communications test?

If it is a RF device that goes into power saving mode. They have to be woken up before they can be added.


You may want to try picking the 2477D from the drop down list and not Auto Detect.

Though I suspect it is a communications issue between the PLM and the 2477D.

The release notes for 2.8.16 shows the 2477D was supported.


One way to determine if it is the device or the location is to connect it to an Appliance cord. Plug on one end and bare wires on the other. Wire nut the device to the Appliance cord and plug it in next to the PLM. If it works there it is location related. If it does not work try a Factory reset of the device before getting a replacement.


While the device is out double check the Insteon address looking for 8’s for B’, that sort of thing.


Sounds like you may have some power line signal problems. That is effecting communications.

Do you have any X10 phase coupling between the phases? As Insteon devices do not retransmit x10 signals.

Some have found as more Insteon devices are added. Their X10 devices performance goes down. Basically the power line transmitters in them can absorb some of the signals on the power line.

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