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Sending text from ISY to AT&T...


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I have my ISY set up to send a text message anytime an exterior door is opened after I have left the house. All is working well and the text messages are coming through perfectly. My challenge is more of an AT&T issue in the sense that the "From" field of the text message is not static but rather uses a rolling count, i.e. "1 (410) 000-049" whereby the last 3 digits increases by one after each text message. The problem is that I wanted to use a specific text tone/vibrational alert on my iPhone to identify the text message from my ISY, however due to the dynamic nature of this field I cannot accomplish this. Has anyone else run into this and found a solution?



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This solution isn't free, but it's pretty close. I'm using twilio.com to send and receive SMS messages in other applications. Twilio has a well documented interface, and you can get a unique phone number for $1.00 a month plus $0.01 per SMS messages sent or received. I tried setting up an ISY network resource based on the SMS sending message at http://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/sending-sms and when I ran a test, it popped right up on my phone with my twilio "from" phone number, just as expected. Of course, I also got the error "TCP client read response failed [Net Module Rule: 4]" from the ISY which I'm uncertain how to interpret, although that didn't interfere with my ability to use the resource in an ISY test program to send messages.


They have free demo accounts available for testing, so if you're interested, you may want to give it a try.


Here is screen shot of the network resource setup, with a bit of blurring over my account details:






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A solution similar to Ishmael's can also be implemented with Tropo. Do a search in the forum for Tropo and you should find these two threads:



Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo


Post subject: How to build an ISY99 personal Alarm System with Tropo Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 pm


I wrote a tutorial on how to use an ISY-99 to build a Personal Alarm System with Outbound Notifications using Smart Home, check it out at http://xs.la/MTY3



Forum: How-Tos and Tutorials Topic: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API


Post subject: How to send SMS Messages using the Tropo API Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 pm


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Here is the link for the second how-to: http://cashoefman.blogspot.com/2011/05/ ... -from.html



But, be aware that there are some errors in his instructions. I have made the corrections below and commented on his site. I am using this setup and it works very nicely (and is free).


In the example PHP script,

-- it should be '+1' instead of "+1"

-- it should be => "SMS" instead of =--> "SMS"


When you add the telephone number to the URL, do not include the 1 as it is covered by the '+1' in the script.


When setting up the network resource, set the Protocol to HTTPS. The image does show HTTPS, however the text states HTTP.


Also, it should be mentioned that this method of sending texts does require the network module for the ISY-99i (which is an extra $49 if you don't already have it installed).


Here is an example of the code I'm using.



call('+1'.$number, array( "network" => "SMS"));

if  ($event == 1) 

{say ("The ".$size." garage door is now ".$status.".");}

else if ($event == 2) 

{say ("One of the motion sensors has a low battery!");}

else if ($event == "3")

{say ("placeholder for next alert type");}


I'm using the $event variable to allow for multiple alert types and still use the same phone number assigned by tropo. If you used different apps for different events, then you will have a different number assigned to each. All of the variables get taken care of in the network resources setup.


Hope this helps.



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