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Newbie trying to program some simple programs in the ISY-99i


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I know this might seem elementary to most of you guys but I'm just getting into this programming thing, I greatly appreciate the time everyone on here takes to answers questions like these. I hope to be able to answer these same questions for someone else on here one day.

Thanks in advance for your time!!!


On to my questions:



Program 1- I have a x10 motion sensor located on my front porch that was activated by motion only after dark and kept the light on for 2 minutes. This same sensor sent an on/off command to another set of lights on my garage at sunset and sunrise.


Front Stage Coach Lights- Activated by motion for 2 mins after sunset-sunrise

Garage Stagecoach- On at sunset, off at sunrise


Program 2- I have a EZIO6I that I would like to program so that when contact #1 opened (garage door) after sunset triggers an insteon appliance module.



I am also planning to use a EZIO6I for a "door monitor/home alarm system" and have it annunciate via text message when a door contact is broken. It will be armed either via a cell phone or keylinc button to give it an "away" an "at home status"

and a "secure at home status". The secure status would be linked to a peizo alarm of some sort to let me know when someone opens the door in the middle of the night.


Thanks in advance for your time in answering any of these questions. Feel free to share your set up similar to this too.


Have a wonderful evening!

Ed :D

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First, I suggest checking out the wiki and look at the examples for motion sensors. This is a pretty classic example for programming. Also, much electronic ink has been expended on various threads. It is worth time looking at this.


Second, clarify what you WANT your programs to do. Do you want your motion programs to work based on darkness or sunrise/sunset (can be different). Do you want your garage lights to come on/off based on darkness, or sunset/sunrise? Can you change the behaviour of your motion sensor to send motion-triggered signals regardless of dark conditions? (Is you motion sensor one of those eagle-eye devices?)


Third, it would help to know what devices control your various lights. Is it a single insteon switch that controls garage stagecoach lights? Is it a single insteon swtich that controls front stagecoach lights? Are all your devices added to the ISY-99? Are any of these switches part of any scenes?


Garage Stagecoach- On at sunset, off at sunrise


Assuming the most simple possibility with regard to your garage stagecoach lights, have you tried any programming at all? Would something simple work (note there is no need for any X-10 input here):


from time is sunset
to sunrise (next day)
set stagecoach lights on
set stagecoach lights off


Front Stage Coach Lights- Activated by motion for 2 mins after sunset-sunrise


The motion sensor/front lights would be typcially achieved with two programs, with logic something like:


from sunset
to sunrise (next day)
and x-10 motion sensor address A1 on recieved
then run timer program (else path)


set front stagecoach lights on
wait 2 minutes
set front stagecoach lights off


I have a EZIO6I that I would like to program so that when contact #1 opened (garage door) after sunset triggers an insteon appliance module.


Based on your description of your third program question, it would conceptually be little more than:



control EZIO6I is set on
set appliance module on

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Oberkc, Firstly thanks for taking the time to help me out.


My big plan is to have the following:


Front Stage Coach Lighting- Between Sunset and Sunrise these Lights will be activated by motion from an x10 motion located above the door and remain on for 2 mins. BTW- I have tried to program this, but have not been able to get the "next day" after sunset.


Garage Stagecoach- Constant on between sunset and sunrise.




Point #1 (garage door) -when opened between sunset and sunrise it will activate a light in the house.

Points #1-6- Set up a program that would send me a text/email when a door is opened while I am gone for the day. I plan to arm/disarm from my cell phone using Mobilinc.


Does any of this make sense?




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but have not been able to get the "next day" after sunset


Unable, or did not know? My suggestion is to start with this simple program and see if you can get this to work. Then try the motion sensor program.


Does any of this make sense?


Sure it does. It also sounds like you are still in the conceptual stage. Do you have a sensor on the garage door, wired to the EZIO6I. Have you added these to the ISY-99??


Unfortunately, my familiarity with the Mobilinc is conceptual only.

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I figured out how to get the "next day" clause.


Good. Regarding the motion sensor program, I am hoping my earlier suggestions gave you some thoughts on how to proceed. I also hope you were able to check in the wiki and get an idea of the various considerations that on has on how to handle this.


If all you want is to turn a light on for a few minutes at the sense of motion, it is relatively simple. The complexities begin when folks start realizing that such a program overrides manual control and they loose the abililty to leave the light on indefinitely. I suggest you ponder the exact details of how you want yours to work and write them down. In my opinion, it seems folks don't think enough about what they want before trying to come up with a solution, only to spend a lot of time on programs that are never used because the program did not do what they wanted because they did not know what they wanted until after the program was written and....on and on.


Most of all, have fun with this stuff.

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Thanks again! What I was trying to do last night was program my Eagle Eye. I know that you can program the Eagel Eye itself to only send ON and OFF commands when it is dark out and also program it for how long you want the light to stay on, but I programmed it to send a command (A11-On) whenever day/night it sees motion. I thought this might give me more flexibility in programming.


So as I have it programmed right now it sends a (A-11 ON) all day everyday and I have the isy programmed so that if it sees a A-11 ON command between sunset/sunrise to send a A-4 ON command (Stagecoach Light address) and stay on for 2 mons then send a A-4 OFF. Does this make sense? So the address I have the Eagle Eye programmed as is A-11 and my Stagecoach lights are A-4.


Would you recommend programming everything (on/off at dusk to dawn,the time the light stays on etc.) within the Eagel Eye or through the isy like I have tried. Is it alright to have the Eagle Eye have an address that technically doesn't activate anything, but just sends A11 and when it does have isy look for that command then send other commands.


Have I confused you yet? lol



Thanks again for your time!

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but I programmed it to send a command (A11-On) whenever day/night it sees motion


Thos is how I do it also, then use sunrise and sunset to limit operation during daylight hours. Sometimes clouds can make it dark early, but I have found this wholly adequate.


So as I have it programmed right now it sends a (A-11 ON) all day everyday and I have the isy programmed so that if it sees a A-11 ON command between sunset/sunrise to send a A-4 ON command (Stagecoach Light address) and stay on for 2 mons then send a A-4 OFF. Does this make sense? So the address I have the Eagle Eye programmed as is A-11 and my Stagecoach lights are A-4.


Perfect! The only question I have is why you contine to use A4? Is the switch for your stagecoach lights x-10 only, not insteon? in case you were unaware, the eagleeye uses two x-10 addresses. In your case, a-11 for motion, and one higher (a-12) to send a-12 on when dark and off when light. You may notice these commands if you watch your evevt viewer.


Would you recommend programming everything (on/off at dusk to dawn,the time the light stays on etc.) within the Eagel Eye or through the isy like I have tried. Is it alright to have the Eagle Eye have an address that technically doesn't activate anything, but just sends A11 and when it does have isy look for that command then send other commands.


i like the way you did it.

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(In regards to my Eagle Eye being addressed as A-11 and sending an A-4 X10 code) I wanted to be able to control the IFs and THENs within the ISY-991. I already had the Porch lights addressed as A4 and didn't want the Eagle Eye to send the A-4 command without going through the ISY. Does that make sense? Now if the Eagle Eye detects motion between sunset and sunrise it send the A-11 ON waits 3 mins then sends a OFF command. This way if I wanted to reprogram any IFs or THENS I could do it through the ISY vs. the painful programming on the Eagle Eye.


Does this make sense?


Thanks Again!


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Does this make sense?


It makes sense, but was not the intent of my question. I was wondering if the physical device that controls your porch lights are insteon-capable, or x-10 only. If they are insteon, then I suggest using insteon commands, rather than x-10, to control your porch lights.

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I'm trying to figure out whether the following would be a program or a scene:


It would be my "Going to Bed" scene


I would like to be able to press a button on either a keylic or on a button on my cell phone running mobilinc and have it

send mutiple "OFF" commands for lights in my living room and an "ON" command to my light in the bedroom.


Thanks for your input!



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I don't use mobilinc, but assume that it can control scenes. Therefore, I don't thing this would drive the need for a program. However:


send mutiple "OFF" commands for lights in my living room and an "ON" command to my light in the bedroom.


I believe this requirement points towards a program. "Multiple OFF" commands would require a program (and I am curious as to why you desire this? Are you having reliability problems?) Sending "on" commands in response to a scene "off" command would also require a program.

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Ok, so here is the normal evening scenario:


Sitting on the Lazy, just finished a movie and I want to go to bed. Normally when I'm in the living room I have on my cove lighting and recessed lighting on as well as the fireplace. What I would like is on button to turn those devices off(at a reasonable slow ramp rate so I have around a min. To get out of the room) and at the same time these devices are ramping down I could have my bedroom light coming on so it would light my pathway.


Does this make sense?

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You can do that with a scene but you need to think backwards.


Create a scene and put all of those lights in it.


Set the level of all the devices that you want "off" when you go to bad as "0". Set the bedroom light you want on to "x%" where x is however bright you want it. Include whatever ramp rates you want on each device.


When you go to bed you need a keypad linc or some other insteon device or a program to turn that scene "on", which counter intuitively will actually turn most of the lights off. If you want a delay, you can use slow ramp rates, or you can use a program with a "wait" command.


When you get into bed, turn the scene "off", then that one light in your bedroom will turn off, the other lights will stay off.

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Does this make sense?


Yes, it makes sense. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details. I agree with the approach advocated by Apostolakisl, but this does not send multiple OFF commands, as reqested earlier.


In general, you can create a scene with which turning the scene on can command some devices to go off, but you cannot create a scene where turning the scene off can command some devices to come on. You can create a single scene with multiple controllers, and where scene response varies depending on which of the controllers is used. You can create muliple scenes with some devices being in more than one scene as responders. A given device, however, can be CONTROLLER of only one scene. If you desire a delayed response to a command, or to send multiple commands, you would require a program.


You have several viable approaches here. I would use a scene-based approach if possible (tends to respond quicker and continues to work if ISY fails). If you are driven to a program based on a need for special capabilities, then that is the path you must take.


Some of your decision will be based on what your controlling devices are and where they are located. How many devices do you want controlled by each controller and what response do you desire from each.


Based on the devices you have mentioned so far, you can certainly create a scene that has the "on button" as controller, with the following devices/on levels/ramp rates as responder:


cove lighting/0/2 minutes

recessed lighting/0/2 minutes

fireplace/0/2 minutes

bedroom light/on/1 second


These are only suggested levels and rates. You would adjust based on your own needs.

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Does this make sense?


but this does not send multiple OFF commands, as reqested earlier.



I read this to mean "multiple" as in 3 different lights, not multiple "offs" to each light.


Perhaps I am speaking incorrectly to that point, but I think the OP doesn't understand exactly how scenes work. A scene instruction (on/off) sends a SINGLE Intseon power line command. All Insteon devices in your home will hear that command (barring bad communication issues). When a particular device "hears" that command it will check its link records to see if it is supposed to do something (it asks itself "am I in this scene"). If the answer is "yes" then it does whatever you programmed it to do as part of that scene. If it is not in the scene, it just ignores it (actually will repeat it depending on the hop count).

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