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Elk Connection Problems


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I have installed the Elk module on my dad's system, and seem to be having problems. I have a variety of programs set to trigger off of an Elk condition (such as arming the alarm), or responding to an Insteon command in the "then" field of a program. After setting up the programs, everything seemed to work fine. Then a couple of days later, we noticed lights turning on or off when they are not supposed to. When I went back to look at my programming, I noticed that wherever the Elk was previously referenced, it now says Control null switched null. When I disable any program having to do with the Elk, everything works fine. When I re-enable them it has problems. Its like it has lost the Elk, except that the Elk status still shows correctly at the top of the admin console.


I am running the following firmware versions:

- ISY - 3.1.16

- Elk M1 Gold - 5.2.4

- Elk M1XEP - 1.3.26


Any ideas as to what is happening?





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Hi Tom,


This is very strange, I'm wondering if the Elk Module has been removed from your ISY somehow. There is a minimal implementation for those who do not have the Elk module, and that may be what you are seeing at the top of the admin console.


    - In the Admin Console, Go to Help->About, do you see the Elk module listed?


    - Do you see the Elk Tab between the Programs and Configuration tabs?


    - We discovered a possible Elk bug in 3.1.16 for large installations; roughly how many nodes/groups do you have?

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When I got to Help -->About, Elk Security System is listed under Products. I assume that is the Elk Module. I re-set up the programs and they seem to be working. I also re-exported the lighting from the ISY to the Elk. Not sure if that ws necessary or not. Everything seems to be working fine now so I'm crossing my fingers.


The Elk tab does show up.


We have about 40 Insteon devices and 20 scenes set up.

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