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New isy99 migration - I’m I doing this right?


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Hello all!


I’m new to the forum and have been reading posts here for the past week. I decided on ordering a new isy99i and found a lot of knowable posters on the forum which is great! I have found that I’m in the same boat as a lot of other posters. I started with x10 over ten years ago and recently moved up to insteon devices. Over the past two years I have replaced all of my x10s (except for 3 flood lights) with insteon devices controlled by a smartlinc controller. At 25+ devices the great little smartlinc is starting to get bogged down and locks up on a weekly basis causing me to power cycle the device. So this week I’m set to migrate the system to the isy99i pro ir and I just wanted to make sure I’m on the right track.

1- First I’m going to disconnect the smartlinc and install the isy99

2- Then I’m going to start linking the isy99 using option #2 “add devices found in links and remove existing links†(If I read correctly this will remove all the old links)

3- Back up (just in case I want to start from scratch later on)

4- Then I’m going to set up my new scenes which include setting up my 3-way’s and links that were set up using the smartlinc. As I understand my 3-ways will all be controllers and any thing I want to run from the isy99 will be only responders.

5- Then if I did every thing right the lighting network should work as it did before with smartlinc (with out locking up)

6- Back up again


Does this sound right?


I do have two other question. The first is will the isy99 see 6/8 keypads and as A,B,C,ect or do I have to link each button independently?


The second question is do you guys think this is the best method or should I go about it in a different way?


Thank you for your experience and advice.


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Having just done what you are about to do it will work.


I would leave the SmartLinc plugged in until all the devices have been added. The SmartLinc will have all the device address where you might miss some if the SmartLinc is not accessed. Plus many of the devices will have the SmartLinc address which will cause device errors when the SmartLinc address is not available.


After all devices have been added rename the devices to meaningful names before beginning the Scene definitions. Also delete the SmartLinc device.


Scenes where a device will only be a Responder defining it as such is correct. If it is a Scene where mult-way between devices exist and the ISY will control the same Scene defining the devices as Controller is the correct method. That way the devices stay in sync when manually operated with paddle/toggle and allows the ISY to also be a Controller. The ISY assumes a Controller is also a Responder.


The ISY will define the KeypadLinc based on its internal device type. A 6 button KeypadLinc and 8 button KeypadLinc have different device types. The only issue will be if you have changed a 6 button to 8 button or vise versa. The base device type will be its original type so a 6 button converted to an 8 button will appear in the ISY as a 6 button KeypadLinc. For these situations the KeypadLinc has to added with New INSTEON Device and the Device Type pulldown used to specify either 6 button or 8 button to match the new converted to configuration.


I used option 3 “keep existing links†when I did mine a few weeks ago. I was very comfortable that my device link databases did not have broken links. Using option 2 will insure the devices will start off clean which is a good way to start.




EDIT: a KeypadLinc will have a total of 5 (not a finger check) or 8 nodes depending on whether a 6 or 8 button KeypadLinc. Each node represents a button and can be used in different Scenes or the same Scene as the situation requires. This is totally up to you regarding how dependent or independent each button should operate.

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Not to thread-jack....but I also am a new member. I have recently purchased a few Insteon switches, as well as the ISY-99i controller.


I wanted to see if it would be advisable for me to get the ISY-99i up and running prior to installing/linking my switches.



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The devices can be physically installed before or after the ISY is installed. Note the Insteon address of each device as it is physically installed.


Use the ISY to do ALL linking. Do not do any Set button links unless the ISY User Guide or UDI Wiki instructs to do so. This would be done only for special devices. The vast majority of Insteon devices should not have Set button links created.


I suggest using New INSTEON Device, entering the Insteon address and a meaningful name. Leave the Device Type set to Auto Discover. This will add the device to the ISY will a meaningful name and the ISY will determine the device type by querying the device.



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Thanks Lee just wanted to get some feed back before I got started. I don't think I have any broken links but I its better to be safe then sorry. I did do some fooling around with the smartlinc when I first got it and had to do some fixs along the way. The last thing I want to do is spend a few hours and then have to do it again! :x


propman07 I think that you should get the isy99 installed first so you dont have the a problem with migration. If your not comfortable with installing the isy99 then you can fool around with the switchs first and then do what I'm doing.


You may want to see what Lee and some of the other advanced users have to say.


Thanks again Lee


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Lee/DC- Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to follow what you guys suggested as I get started. I'm coming over from X10 devices, of which I only had about 6-7 working at any one time. I was never able to get stuff like "scenes" set up with the X10, so I am looking forward to adding that functionality with Insteon/ISY-99i. Now, if I can just get past the tricky wiring that exists in my 1950s home, I'll be all set. hahaha

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No problem propman07. My house was also built in the 1950's but I tore out all of the old wiring and re wired the house so I feel your pain. Although I’m not a licensed electrician I do work with one and did all of the work with him on my house. In my area you can do certain work in your own home after taking a “home owners test" with the town. The work must meet code and be underwritten after completion. That being said if your not comfortable with wiring please call a licensed electrician. As you may know you must have a neutral wire connected to each device. While this is not a problem in a outlet some times neutral wires are not always present inside of light switch boxes. Which means you need to snake one back to the box which could be a real pain. The great thing about insteon is that you can pull a wire up the inside of a wall and feed a “old work box†using the hot/neural/ground wires from a outlet. This switch would at as an “virtual wired switch†meaning it would not control a load but it could control another insteon switch which carries the load to a light. It’s a great way to add a 3-way or 4-way switch with little effort. Again please make sure you work safe, follow code, and consult an licensed electrician.



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I suggest using New INSTEON Device


If, however, ons has easy access to the device, I find it quite viable (even preferable) to use the "start linking" button on the ISY admin panel and simply putting the insteon device into linking mode as responder. The ISY will populate address and device type quite well, thank you very much. You may still wish to change name to something meaningful. Of course, I enjoy moving around a bit, would rather walk than type, and am in no hurry.

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Thanks for all the help. After a few small problems I'm up and running and very happy with the isy-99ir pro. Great product and will do everything I need it to do and much more. After thinking about the migration I decided to go the route of option# 1 and added all my links using the set buttons and removing old links. Using that option I was able to write down the address as they registered and was able to go back later and rename them with out confusion. I did have a problem after setting the device to a static ip but after reviewing a few posts I found the isy finder program which got me back running with out any problems. My isy came with firmware ver. 2.18.16 and i was thinking about upgrading to the newest firmware. Any opinions on upgrading? Should I wait for an official release?

Heres some photos of my set up




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The latest Beta 3.1.17 (RC) is an official release candidate. Depends on how stable it turns out to be. Has been very stable for me. I don't think you would have any problems using 3.1.17. Would expect the decision about whether to label 3.1.17 as the next official release to be made soon (I do not speak for UDI so that is my opinion only).

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Yes. Any time the ISY image is upgraded the Java cache should be cleared.


Normally when upgrading from Beta to Beta a new URL is needed to use the level of Admin Console that goes with that Beta level. Waiting for the next official release avoids the need to change the URL for Admin Console access (Java cache still needs to be cleared after the upgrade as the cached image will be 2.8.16 Admin Console).

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Thanks again Lee

I went for it and upgraded to Beta 3.1.17 (RC). So far so good got the 2487 to work and every thing looks stable. Very happy with this purchase! The guys at univeral devices did a great job on this little wonder!

Thanks for the fast posts! Looking foward to being part of this forum.


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Ok went thru everything and the only glitch i see on my system is my text notifications stop working and now is giving a time out error mesg it was working before no errors. I'm not sure if the error was caused by the upgrade or a problem with at&t wireless service. Everything else is working like before. I'll try a test again later to see if the error comes up.

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