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Buttons on and off

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I am writing a program so that when a button is "on," a light comes on for a time then goes off.


I understand the "If" condition If button is "ON." All that works fine.


How do I turn the button "Off" at the end of the time? I get a series of choices that allow me to choose between On (0 to 15)/Off (0 to 7). None of these seem to turn the button back to a dark Off like it was originally.



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Those options are backlight level which indicates the button is a Secondary button. Secondary buttons cannot be turned On or Off directly from a Program. Define an ISY Scene with the Secondary button as a Responder. Turn the ISY Scene Off.

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Helpful. Thank you.


So I can get the button to go on and off using a scene.


Next question is if there is a way nest an "If" into the "Then"


So for example:


If button is on



Turn on device A

Turn on Device B

If between sun set and sunrise, turn on Device C



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  • 2 months later...

I have added two KeypadLincs and a ApplianceLinc to a scene. Both KeypadLincs have button C programed in toggle mode to control the ApplianceLinc. When either button is pushed the LEDs and ApplanceLinc work properly.


I have a program to turn the ApplianceLinc off after 5 minutes. The program turns the ApplianceLinc off properly but does not turn the LEDs in the buttons off. If I go to the Main page in the admin console I can turn the LEDs off manually by highlighting one switch and selecting off.


What am I doing wrong?

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To turn the KeypadLinc button LEDs and the ApplianceLinc Off together, turn the ISY Scene Off that linked the KeypadLinc buttons and ApplianceLinc. Controlling an individual device does not affect other devices that may be linked to it.

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